Breaking News:
Friday, 19 October 2018
JNE Helped to Build Shelters To Relieve The Survivors of Lombok Earthquake

Chandra Fireta, JNE Director

A 7 magnitude tectonic quake that happened in Lombok island, Nusa Tenggara Barat on 5th August 2018 ravaged all the people’s life. People suffered from food and clothing deficiencies, displacement, besides the dead and injured people.

This earthquake moved JNE, as one of the national logistic and courier companies, to contribute themselves to relieving the refugees’ burdensome. With the capability they have and supports from 6000 service points and 40,000 staffs in all over Indonesia, JNE succeeded to deliver their aids such as goods from customers and cashes from the internal staffs’ fund raising. In doing the deliveries of the donated goods, JNE set a JNE Mataram’s Aid Post at Jalan Amir Hamzah No. 102, Mataram, Lombok. Besides the JNE Mataram’s staffs, the post also got helping hands from the JNE’s representatives of East Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara Timur and Nusa Tenggara Barat.

Totally, as many as 103 tons of donated goods had been distributed successfully. Meanwhile, the fund collected from all JNE’s staffs in Indonesia (about Rp. 214 million) was donated to JNE Mataram’s staffs and the surroundings, and to build Integrated Community Shelter (ICS) as a form of collaboration with Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT).

In the ICS project, JNE supported a project to build 2 shelters at Gondang Field, North Lombok. ICS is an area where there are some temporary housing units (shelters) facilitated with public toilets, worship places, wakaf stalls to buy daily supplies, a humanity store that provides groceries package for 1 week supply, an emergency school, community kitchen, trauma healing service and children playgrounds, and medical services.

Last Saturday (06/10), JNE Management that was represented by Chandra Fireta, the JNE Director, visited the shelters at Gondang Field. “The project of some shelters is a form of JNE’s concern, as a national company, to take out all the  burdens from the earthquake aftermath injurers and survivors. JNE do not only focus on their business developments but also contribute actively in doing social activities,” he said.

Besides the shelters project, JNE also helped people distribute their donated goods to the 72 shelters spreading in all over Lombok and the surroundings such as West Lombok, North Lombok, East Lombok, and West Sumbawa region.

The donation raising program for the Lombok’s earthquake victims had been done since 11th – 19th August at JNE’s branch offices (in 54 cities in all over Indonesia). JNE gave opportunities to people to deliver the donated goods with the maximum weight’s limit for 10 kgs per package, and it’s cost-free. Moreover, the course of fund raising by the JNE’s internal staffs in all over Indonesia started from 8th – 20th August 2018.

Author: Martin Jop
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