Breaking News:
Monday, 28 November 2016
JNE Inaugurated a New Head Office of Surabaya Branch
On Saturday, 29 October 2016, Mohamad Feriadi President Director of JNE together with BODs, Head of East Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara Regions Dian Afrizal and Branch Manager of JNE Surabaya Nelly Chandra held a launching ceremonial for a new Head Office of JNE Surabaya. The new 4-storey office, located at Jl. Juanda Km. 2-3, Sidoarjo, is for Sales Counter, Inbound Operation, Back Office, Customer Service, Training Center and Public Space. There are special parking space for JNE Customers and 8 (eight) customer service tables so that customers don't have to wait long for the convenient service of delivery process. Nelly Chandra explained that she prioritized a special room for CRM (Customer Relation Manager) activities and collecting room on the 2nd (second) floor for customers who wants to collect their own goods themselves. The location of the building that is near the International Airport Juanda enhance the operational personnel' work performance effectiveness in doing delivery as well as the provisions of technology like conveyor belt and others that are available in the more less 5.400 m2 building on around 2.473 m2 of land. The new building that is aimed to support the work performance of 900 staffs spent around 2 years to build; it started in December 2014. This new building is one of 160 JNE's networks in Surabaya and the service points open for 24 hours every day so that customers' needs can be fulfilled without any time limit.(en/mar)
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