Recently, the air freight division of Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS), Swiss WorldCargo in Japan is promoting its Boeing B777-300ER livery on a new truck operated by Road Feeder Service (RFS) provider Hirano Logistics.
Developed in partnership between Swiss WorldCargo and Hirano Logistics, the branded truck operates on different routes throughout Japan. The vehicle, which is temperature-controlled, ensures the safe and effective handling of various goods, including pharmaceuticals. While it does not carry exclusively Swiss WorldCargo freight, the truck promotes the company and brand as it travels throughout Japan to meet the needs of customers.
The freighter’s livery focuses on a Boeing 777-300ER from three angles, offering different visualizations. On the right side, a close-up reveals the back of an engine alongside the Swiss WorldCargo livery. The left shows a Swiss WorldCargo airplane flying above the alps, while the back displays an impressive take-off.
“We are very proud of our collaboration in successfully developing and launching this initiative,” said Tango Tomonari, Head of Cargo Japan with Swiss WorldCargo. “It’s an excellent way for Swiss WorldCargo to continue positioning and promoting itself within the Japanese market. At the same time, the impressive pharmaceutical handling capabilities of this truck ensure that a diverse range of products can be delivered to various destinations for different customers.”
Swiss WorldCargo operates a daily flight via Airbus A340-300 to Tokyo Narita Airport via Zurich Airport. In addition to this, an extensive, already established network of trucks transports the carrier’s freight throughout the country
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