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Thursday, 7 November 2019
JNE’s Friendly Logistics, Logistic Solution for Creative Industry Players

JNE, the biggest express company in Indonesia, again, come with Friendly Logistics, a solution for creative industry players including Small Medium Industry (SMI) and Middle Small Medium Entrepreneur (SME) in Cimanggis, Depok after Bandung and Jogjakarta.

Two JNE’s Directors, Chandra Fireta and Edi Santoso, together with the top management inaugurated the event at  Jl. Raya Pekapuran No.1, Cimanggis, Depok on 30th September.

In Friendly Logistic Cimanggis ini, JNE also inaugurated their joint business with “Yukbisnis” as an online platform, a supporting business for the business players found by Jaya Setiabudi.

Facilities in Friendly Logistic is to make everything easy, so all the players may focus on the production process,  development, product innovation or selling. 
This is due to warehousing management managed by Friendly Logistic professionally and integrated directly to the delivery services so the data update as in total stocks of goods and delivery status of each package are available periodically.

M. Feriadi, the President Director of JNE, said, “The creative industry players are often hassled by the warehouse process, stock management to package delivery to each buyer. This has potency to lower concentration on product selling, development or innovation in quantity, quality and others”. 

Various facilities in Friendly Logistic, like digital marketing, warehousing, order fulfillment, technology development, shipping management and delivery, become complete solution for all the problems that the business players face.

Built on the 13.000 m² lot, Friendly Logistic Cimanggis is able to handle tens of thousand packages per month from Yukbisnis’ clients’ transaction. 

Feriadi said, “To overcome every challenge and gain every opportunity in digital era, synergy and collaboration with strategic partners should be conducted continuously therefore. Hope, the presence of Friendly Logistic will be able to push the players’ business as they don’t have to handle logistics that need big efforts in the business process”.  

Initially, Friendly Logistic was launched in Bandung collaborated with PT. Prakasa Trada Solusi in 2018. On 16th September it was launched in Yogyakarta collaborated with PT. Cakra Nala Logistic. 

Next, JNE’s Friendly Logistic will come to other cities in line with the business growth of creative business players in digital era.

Author: Eko Nugroho
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