Ethiopian Airlines, the Largest Aviation Group in Africa and SKYTRAX Certified Four Star Global Airline, introduced a mobile app and chatbot-assisted shipment tracking service to elevate cargo customers’ experience.
The mobile app, which is now available for both Android and iOS, will bring convenience to Ethiopian Cargo & Logistics Services customers through a range of self-service features including checking flight schedule, cargo tracking and charter requests at the swipe of a finger, while the Ethiopian Chatbot enables customers to access up-to-date information and track their shipment on Messenger and Telegram.
“As a customer-centric airline, we always seek ways to better serve our customers and bring more digital options to their fingertips,” says Miretab Teklaye, Director Group Integrated Marketing Communications at Ethiopian. “The newly unveiled cargo mobile app and chatbot-assisted cargo tracking service will bring convenience for our customers allowing them to access real-time updates about their shipments and to process their charter requests. As the number of mobile apps and messaging platforms users grows globally, we will leverage our in-house digital capabilities to further elevate customers’ experience by taking our digital service to the platforms of their choice.”
Users can download Ethiopian cargo mobile app from Play Store and App Store using the links:
Telegram users can access Ethiopian Chatbot using @ethiopian_chat_bot
Facebook/Messenger users can access it at https://www.facebook.com/etchatbot/.
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