State-owned airport operator, Angkasa Pura Airport (AP 1), and PT Jasa Angkasa Semesta (PT JAS) Tbk, a private ground handling company, officially operate the International Cargo Terminal and Post of I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali Airport (DPS Cargo Terminal).
The inauguration was held on Friday (10/3) at DPS Cargo Terminal symbolically by the President Director of PT JAS, Adji Gunawan and General Manager of AP 1 of I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport Branch, Handy Heryudhitiawan who represented the President Director of Angkasa Pura Airports.
As the tender winner in the Cargo Terminal Operator partner selection at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, PT JAS has officially operated the 3,000 square metres Cargo Terminal for the next 5 years (2028).
Faik Fahmi, the President Director of AP 1, in his statement, said that the collaboration is aimed to optimize the cargo business and operations at the Ngurah Rai airport. “This collaboration is a part of cargo terminal transformations and is aimed to enhance the efficiency and optimize the cargo business, which, in the end, it will be proportional to the effectiveness of cargo services, the increase of cargo throughput and revenue,” he said.
Through this collaboration, PT JAS will optimize the cargo business through technology transformation, and reliability in the cargo service network business (network cargo business) through a semi-automatic cargo handling system or semi-automatic warehouse system.
This semi-automatic cargo handling system applies technological implementations such as staging rollers and cargo lifts and is targeted to have a positive impact on the service capacity of 27 tons of import cargoes storage, 34 tons of export cargo, 20 tons of temporary distribution shelters, and palletized TPS distribution type of 18 tons.
To improve the service standard, PT JAS will also implement the JAS Control Center as a control centre to monitor and control all operations at cargo and post terminals using digital technology, Centralized Customer Service to improve customers service quality, cold storage facilities for 2 units to keep the freshness and quality of the products. And to improve security standards, PT JAS provides 3 units of x-ray with Dual View technology and 72 units of CCTV at DPS Cargo Terminal.
During 2022, the cargo traffics at Ngurah Rai Bali Airport was 36,229 tons, with details of 22,955 tons of domestic cargo and 13,273 tons of international cargo. Total cargo traffic in 2022 experienced 15.7% growth compared to the 2021 cargo traffics of 31,319 tons.
Kegiatan bertema “Children At Your Services” adalah program kolaborasi IAS dengan UNICEF dengan memperkenalkan profesi-profesi dunia aviasi kepada anak-anak.
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