Breaking News:
Monday, 6 February 2023
FedEx Express Collaborates with YKAN to Positively Impact Local Communities in Indonesia

FedEx Express (FedEx), a subsidiary of FedEx Corp., and one of the world’s largest express transportation companies, is collaborating with Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN), a non-profit Indonesian marine life conservation organization, on integrated community empowerment initiatives, as part of its FedEx Cares global community engagement program.

This year-long program will benefit 270,000 families and 33,000 seaweed farmers, by driving a positive shift in the community’s attitude towards the environment and building their potential as global entrepreneurs.

The program benefits residents of the Wakatobi Regency, most of whom are seaweed farmers, to help improve their livelihood by introducing them to ecological and sustainable financial practices. Wakatobi is a portmanteau of the four main islands that make up the regency: Wangi-wangi, Kaledupa, Tomi, and Binongko. As an archipelago of 150 islands, Wakatobi is vulnerable to environmental damage that can result in the degradation of the area’s rich biodiversity, impacting not only the quality of marine life in the surrounding islands, but also the livelihood of seaweed farmers within the community.

“Our program in Wakatobi focuses on two key areas – responsible use of marine resources and a shift towards cross-border e-commerce. YKAN will provide their expertise on sustainability while FedEx will introduce the residents of Wakatobi to the vast opportunities of global trade,” said Garrick Thompson, managing director, FedEx Express Indonesia.

“Through this collaboration between FedEx and YKAN, we hope to encourage positive change towards environmental protection and sustainable livelihood for seaweed farmers,” shared Muhammad Ilman, director of marine program, YKAN.

As one of the largest seaweed producers in Indonesia, seaweed cultivation in Wakatobi provides a significant economic opportunity for the residents. Unfortunately, the impact of COVID19 has led to a decline in tourism dampening their income.

To help the farmers leverage e-commerce, FedEx volunteers developed a training module on the basics of digital marketing, cross-border e-commerce, and proper shipping method for exporting seaweed products.

“The need for businesses to shift to e-commerce quickly and efficiently has never been as vital. With our expansive global and intra-regional networks and expanded e-commerce portfolio to small and medium businesses, FedEx is excited to be creating greater access for Wakatobi seaweed farmers beyond Indonesia,” added Thompson.

This program is part of FedEx Cares 50 by 50 that aims to positively impact 50 million people around the world by company’s 50th anniversary in 2023.

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