Breaking News:
Saturday, 10 February 2024
UPS Flexes Asia Pacific Network to Boost Global Delivery Times for Region’s Businesses

UPS customers in Singapore and Indonesia can now have deliveries to the United States completed in as little as two business days after the company introduced a number of enhancements to its Asia Pacific network including a new intra-Asia flight route.

The move adds yet more capacity and connectivity between Southeast Asia and UPS's industry-leading intercontinental network and reduces some delivery times from Singapore and Indonesia to the U.S. by one business day.

Additional upgrades to the company's regional network also mean businesses sending and receiving certain dangerous goods – including lithium batteries and dry ice – between Hong Kong and Singapore can now have these completed one day faster. Meanwhile UPS is cutting delivery times on lithium battery shipments from Ho Chi Minh City to the United States and Europe by as much as two business days.

“This is such an exciting announcement as it significantly benefits a really wide range of businesses located across the region and in a number of high growth sectors such as high tech and healthcare,” said UPS Asia Pacific President Wilfredo Ramos.

“And it comes at a time of real opportunity, particularly for small businesses. In a post pandemic world, we see that supply chains are shifting and becoming more resilient. Companies around the globe require faster delivery times and seamless connectivity to gain competitiveness and capture even more opportunities as they look to build strong and reliable customer bases in markets with huge growth potential.”

This is the latest in a series of investments by UPS in its Asia Pacific network as the company continues its commitment to providing better express delivery experiences for customers across the region.

It follows the recent expansion of its Changi Airport hub in Singapore to almost double the amount of packages the facility can process each day as well as numerous other regional network and facility enhancements including in Japan, China, Vietnam, South Korea and Hong Kong.

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