Breaking News:
Wednesday, 28 September 2016
AP 1 is the Management for Cargo Terminal at Juanda Airport
PT Angkasa Pura 1 (AP1) stated as an airport management, they have obligation to become the Airport Operator that includes passenger and cargo and post terminal.
The Marketing and Business Development Director of AP 1 Mochamad Asrori said the obligation is regulated in Law number 1/2009 about Aviation and the Transportation Minister Regulation number 187/2015 about the changes on PM 56/2015 about the commercial business at an Airport.
In the Law, article 232 and 233 said that the passenger and cargo terminals management is managed by the Airport Management. "As stated in Law Number 1/2009 there are two terminals at the airport, they are cargo and passenger terminals where the two terminals are under airport management," said Asrori.
Therefore, started on 4 September 2016 the international post and cargo terminals management at Juanda Airport, Sidoarjo, East Java will be taken over by AP 1 from PT JAS.
As to realize good communication and socialization with stakeholders in relation with this regulation application, AP 1 has met the airline companies and PT JAS and made an agreement on September 6.
As an implication and implementation of the regulation above, AP 1 is also obliged to manage Temporary Stockpile Area (TPS) in cargo terminal that is also Customs area as stated in the Finance Minister's Decree number 3432/WBC.10/2016 about the Setting of Warehouse in the International Cargo Zone of the Juanda International Airport as the TPS on behalf of AP 1, dated on 19 August 2016.
Mochamad Asrori denied that he shrank PT JAS' scope of business after the acquisition of international post and cargo terminals at the biggest airport in East Java.
According to Asrori, the acquisition of international post and cargo terminals by AP 1 is to control dangerous goods that are smuggled through cargo deliveries.
He said, AP 1 will acquire the international post and cargo terminals at all airports that are under the AP 1 management.
However, he didn't say when the acquisition of the international posts and cargoes will be conducted in all airports managed by the AP 1.
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