Breaking News:
Sunday, 8 May 2016
Having the Widest Network, Pos Indonesia is Incorporated by GD Express
The biggest State-Owned Corporate of post and package deliveries, PT Pos Indonesia incorporate the private courier company in Malaysia, GD Express Carrier Berhard for the goods delivery business concern. The benefits that Pos Indonesia is chasing are the wider market access in Malaysia and the cheaper cost in the country of destination. This is signed by the agreement signing between the Managing Director of the PT Pos Indonesia, Gilarsi W. Setijono and the CEO of GD Express Carrier Berhard, Mr. Teong Teck Lean. The signing was conducted at the Headquarters of the Indonesian Post, Bandung recently. For the PT Pos Indonesia, Gilarsi said, the consumers of post service can get the best service value through the improvement and enhancement of delivery time at the country of destination. Previously, the delivery of goods to Malaysia spent five days. Today, it only spends two days. So as for the GD Express as the second biggest private courier in Malaysia after the Malaysia Post, this strategic joint venture is to expand the delivery express market work in Indonesia. Moreover, the big name of the PT Pos Indonesia is expected to give positive influence to the GD Express consumers as well as to the investors who have invested their shares at the GD Express.
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