Breaking News:
Sunday, 8 May 2016
Mohamad Feriadi was Voted In as the General Chairman of ASPERINDO
The President Director of JNE, Mohammad Feriadi SA. MBA was voted in as the General Chairman of Asperindo or The Indonesian Logistics, Posts and Express Delivery Service Association for 2016 - 2020 period after obtaining supports from the majority of the members with the vote result for 195 of 245 voices as the representatives of Asperindo of all over Indonesia who have the voting rights. He was elected in the 9th Asperindo National Discussion themed "ASPERINDO Ready To Face the Challenges and Opportunities in ASEAN Free Market Era". The National Discussion held on 22 - 24 March 2016 at the Grand Cempaka Resort, Cipayung - Bogor. Having 15 years experience in this organization since 2001 and having served some important positions in The Council of Executive Board of Asperindo, Mohammad Feriadi, or familiarly called Feriadi, assigned some members of Asperindo's Executive Board Council for 2016 - 2020 period, they are: 1. Budi Paryanto, a representative of Dinamika Lintas Buana as the Deputy of General Chairman 2. Amir Syarifuddin, a representative of Trans Anugerah Logistik as the General Secretary 3. Benny Pribadi, a representative of Sinarmas Pelangi as Treasury. (mar)
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