Sunday, 3 October 2010
GMF AeroAsia Accepts U.S EPA Montreal Protocol Award On Halon Care
PT GMF AeroAsia (GMF), an aviation maintenance company, recently accepted U.S. EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) Montreal Protocol Award 2010 on its contribution as pioneer in treatment of chemical halon in Indonesia. This highest award from U.S. EPA to protect ozone from pollution was awarded to GMF President Director, Richard Budihadianto at Canada Embassy in Washington DC, US on September 23, 2010.
U.S. EPA Montreal Protocol Award is an award given by US government to an individual, team, organization, or company who cares with ozone protection. In 2010, this award was given to 9 individuals, 2 teams, 2 organizations, and 4 governments or companies. GMF AeroAsia includes in company category .
"This award proves the contribution of GMF AeroAsia in cutting ozone polluters," Richard said.
Halon is a chemical material used in fire rescue, including Halon 1211 (Bromokhlorodiflorometana), Halon 1301 (Bromotriflorometan), and Halon 2402 (Dibromotetraflorometana).
In March 2000, Indonesian Ministry of Environment tasked GMF to treat Halon through GMF-Indonesia Halon Bank. Its main tasks are: Halon collecting, Halon recycling, and providing Halon for "critical used", in line with Regulation of Ministry of Environment 35/2009 on Halon Treatment.
Up to now, GMF-Indonesia Halon Bank has successfully collected 30,000 kilogram unrecycled halon and has provided critical use for oil and aviation industry.
Richard explained that halon treatment activity remains one of GMF Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. On the Environment Day 2008, GMF accepted Ozone Award from Ministry of Environment on its contribution to ozone protection.
Richard said that GMF would continue to increase and improve its contribution to ozone protection programs. In addition to be in accordance with the government vision, this program is also in line with the mission of civil aviation organizations including IATA and ICAO. (YS)