Breaking News:
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Lion Air To Build Maintenance Facility In Menado
Lion Air will build a maintenance facility at Sam Ratulangi Airport, Manado, in a bid to back up its operational activities. The ground breaking of the facility development was conducted in Menado on October 7, 2010 by North Sulawesi Governor Sinyo Harry Sarundajang and Lion Air President Director Rusdi Kirana. Rusdi also explained that the choice of Menado as the location for this maintenance facility is so appropriate as up to now there is no facility at East Indonesian area. In addition, Menado remains an international destination, while the location is strategic for both long distance flight (jet) and short distance (propeller). Besides, the area around the airport is very supporting. He expects this will become a center for maintenance at East Indonesia and become strategic business unit for the company. In the initial phase, the facility will be built on 12 Ha area with maximum capacity of 2 Boeing 737-900ER. The two floor building structure will follow Rubb Aviation USA. The basement will be dedicated for Engine Shop, Cabin Repair Shop, Avionic Shop, Non Distructvie Test Shop, Hydraulic Component Shop, Wheel Brake shop and Ground Support Equipment. The second floor meanwhile will be for office and guest house.(YS)
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