Breaking News:
Monday, 15 November 2010
SITA Ready To Invest In Soekarno-Hatta New Terminal
Soekarno-Hatta (Soetta) International Airport expansion plan has attracted several international investors, including SITA Aero (SITA), state airport operator PT Angkasa Pura II (AP II) stated. SITA is a communication technology provider for business solutions for airline, airport, GDS, government and other customers over the world's most extensive network, which forms the communications backbone of the global air transport industry. SITA presently serves over 550 members worldwide. This includes more than 500 airlines, airports, aerospace companies, air freight organizations and governments. Damian Hickey, SITA's Regional Vice President Sales and Relationship Management for South Asia & India explained that the company is so attracted to invest in Soetta. He said SITA has actually been building a close relationship with AP II since Soetta development in 1978. He said all check in facilities in Soetta will be built. Moreover, he said, AP II planned to build a new terminal with capacity reaching 40 million passenger/annum. With its existing capacity of 22 million passenger/annum, Soeta has actually been in over capacity. Reported that last year (2009), total passengers at this airport reached 39 million passenger. "We are ready to fund any AP II investment plan, including infrastructures, passenger and commercial aircraft management, airport management, and cargo and baggage operation," Damian said in seminar on Indonesia Aviation Information & Technology Forum at Hotel Four Season, Jakarta, Wednesday, 03 Nov.(ys/sita)
GO Ina

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