Breaking News:
Monday, 17 January 2011
Garuda Indonesia Cargo Freighter Realized ?

This is shown in Equity Principal Public Offering (IPO - initial public offering) of PT. Garuda Indonesia Tbk (Garuda Indonesia) on 12 January 2011 in national daily in Fund Usage Plan (Rencana Penggunaan Dana) column in a sentence "Company plans to operate flights with specific types like . . .(iv) 4 units of freighters (for cargo services) . . ."
As it has been know, government will release Garuda Indonesia's IPO shares at Rp.750 - Rp.1,100 per sheet. Total of Garuda Indonesia IPO shares are 9,362,429,500 sheets; 7,426,691,500 new shares are taken from B series and issued by company's portepel with nominal value for Rp.500. Second share is 1,935,738,000, which was taken from Bank Mandiri's B series share. The total of offered shares are equal to 36.48% of capital total is placed and deposited.
Budget target that can be received from business for 36.48% of share to public is around Rp. 4-5 trillion. The intention of the red plat airline publish to stock exchange floor will be realized on 11 February 2011. The aviation state-owned company is also ready to launch road-show from 17 - 28 January 2011. Act as a guarantor of emission is PT. Danareksa Sekuritas, PT. Mandiri Sekuritas, and PT. Bahana Securities.
Indeed, in IPO is not mentioned clearly what types of flights will be used as Garuda Indonesia's freighter. However, based on interview between Cargo Times+ (CT+) and a trusted source in Garuda Indonesia Cargo Unit Business early in 2010, the discourse of cargo flight fleet expansion has been planned since 2008, where those flights will be operated in 2 region categories:
1. Domestic: 'Short range' flight type with capacity of +/-15 tons;
2. Regional: 'Medium range' flight type with capacity of 33 - 35 tons.
At the first stage, there will be 2 flights to be used, they are Boeing 737 and Airbus A310 or A300.
That a Garuda Indonesia should provide freighters, it is seen from the increase indication on cargo carriage from year to year, so then it can dominate about 46.4% of RFTK total (revenue freight tonne kilometres) in Indonesia. (based on collected data from PT. Angkasa Pura I and II until 30 September 2010).
Moreover, based on data 2005 - 2010, Strategic Business Unit of Cargo Garuda Indonesia contributed operational revenue as follows: in 2005 and 2006 - 5.6%, 2007 - 5.7%, 2008 and 2009 (economic crisis years) - 4.9% and 4.7%; and until 30 September 2010 leapt to 6.7%.(mar)
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