Breaking News:
Monday, 5 December 2011
Lion Air In Massive Boeing Order

Boeing says Indonesia's Lion Air plans to buy 230 jets, which would be the plane maker's biggest order ever if it is finalised. The list price for the Boeing 737s would be $US21.7 billion , although it's common for customers to receive a discount.
Lion Air said it plans to buy 201 of Boeing's 737 Max planes, which are getting design tweaks and new engines to make them more fuel efficient. It also plans to buy 29 extended-range 737s.
The White House announced Lion Air's plans on Thursday (Nov 17) as part of President Barack Obama's trip to Bali.
The announcement comes just days after Boeing got its biggest order in terms of dollar value. On Sunday (Nov 20), Emirates Airline ordered 50 Boeing 777s, with a list price of $US18 billion.
Boeing has said it expects to start delivering the B737 Max in 2017 and that it will work with Lion Air to finalise an order.
Lion Air has options for 150 more planes, valued at $US14 billion, bringing the deal's total potential value to $US35 billion.
Lion Air has an all-Boeing fleet. It also has orders for 125 more Boeing 737-900ERs.
In July, American Airlines said it plans to buy 200 Boeing planes as part of a massive plane purchase that pitted Boeing against its chief rival, Airbus. American at that time said it would also buy 260 planes from Airbus. American has options for 465 more planes from the two manufacturers.
That order was seen as the catalyst for Boeing's redesign of its iconic 737, matching a competing Airbus plane and giving its best-selling jet the fuel efficiency that airlines demand. Boeing makes more 737s than any other plane.
Before the American order, Boeing's biggest order by volume was 115 planes ordered by United Airlines in 1989.
source: ap
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