Breaking News:
Friday, 11 May 2012
PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk. : Invests Warehouse And IT System On Cargo Business, To Becomes The Leader

In a bid to provide better service to customers that are more and more various under an increasing market both in domestic and international, flag carrier, PT. Garuda Indonesia Tbk. (Garuda) does more investment in both facilities and infrastructures like warehouse, Information and Technology (IT) system. This investment is expected also to help the carrier to get optimal income.
As reported earlier, in 2010, domestic air cargo grew up double. Total volume during the year reached 749,203 tons, increasing 91.3% year-on-year, from 391,667 tons in 2009. Last year, up to October 2011, the volume reached 480,479 tons. During the year, Garuda handled 229,000 tons, increasing 10.8% from 207,000 tons handled in 2010.
To anticipate the growth, Garuda has officially launched the operation of domestic warehouse for Strategic Business Unit (SBU) Cargo Garuda Indonesia (Garuda Cargo) at the area of warehouses of Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. The launching was remarked by President Director of Garuda Indonesia, Emirsyah Satar and witnessed by business partners.
The warehouse getting innovation has total width of 4,625.12 m2, with facilities for special lane for "go product" that consists of "go synergy" (special service to customers from reservation until cargo unloading); "go priority speed" (exclusive service for package and document between airports ); "go priority heavy" (special service for heavy cargoes delivery among airports); and "go select" (special delivery of cargoes among airports that need special treatment). In addition to these special lanes, the domestic warehouse is also equipped with X-ray machine to detect any dangerous cargoes.
Emirsyah said that the renovation of the warehouse is a strategy of the company continuously improve service to customers.
"This is also part of our medium programs in which we target in 2015, Cargo Garuda Indonesia will become a Leader for Asian Cargo Brand," said Emirsyah.
On the same event, Garuda Indonesia also launched its new website of Garuda Indonesia Cargo with implementation of "e-Cargo" (Cargo Management System), the system that gives customers with access to reserve via online. Previously, reservation was done via call center. In addition to online reservation, the customers can use the website for tracking their cargoes.
SBU Garuda Cargo is business unit that serves customers need in cargo delivery via air transportation. At this time, Garuda Cargo is only selling bellyhold freight capacity at the Garuda regular flights, that will be adapted with the airplane types. (eko)
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