Breaking News:
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Southern Air Adds Fourth B777 Freighter To Industry-Leading Fleet
Southern Air Holdings, Inc. recently announced that it has taken ownership of its fourth B777F, at Boeing headquarters in Everett, Washington. Southern Air is the only ACMI (aircraft, crew, maintenance and insurance) operator to fly the B777F, enabling it to serve customers with fewer stops, shorter cargo delivery times and lower handling costs. The new aircraft will be immediately inducted into service for DHL Express on the shipper's new round-the-world service from Hong Kong to Los Angeles to Leipzig, Germany and back to Hong Kong. The new route reduces shipping time from Asia - Pacific and the U.S. West Coast to one day and extends cargo pick-up times for U.S. suppliers shipping to Europe. Southern Air's third B777F began flying this route earlier this month, and its first two have flown the Cincinnati-Bahrain-Hong Kong route for DHL since September 2011. The fourth B777F is painted, like the first three, in combined DHL and Southern Air livery. (mar)
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