Breaking News:
Saturday, 18 April 2015
Cebu Pacific and Cargohaus Inaugurate First Air Cargo Inspection Portal at NAIA T3
Cebu Pacific (CEB), together with one of the pioneers in the cargo handling and modern warehousing industry in the Philippines, Cargohaus, recently inaugurated the Smiths Detection CIP-300 air cargo inspection portal, at the NAIA (Ninoy Aquino International Airport) Terminal 3. The air cargo inspection portal is the first of its kind to be installed in an airport in Asia. It will be for Cebu Pacific Air's priority use for all transhipment cargoes loaded in international flights to and from Manila. The air cargo inspection portal can accommodate and screen up to 9 tons of air cargo dolleys and unit load devices (ULDs). It is powered by a low-energy X-ray source and uses advanced material discrimination software which provides high quality images that reveal detailed contents of freight and baggage. The inaugural ceremony was held at the ramp area of the NAIA Terminal 3. The event was attended by Cebu Pacific President and CEO Lance Gokongwei, Lina Group of Companies Chairman Alberto Lina, Cargohaus, Inc. President Rudy Fulo, NAIA Terminal 3 Manager Engineer Octavio Lina, Department of Transportation and Communications, Office for Transportation Security Director Atty. Miguel Oraa and Smiths Detection General Manager Kui Meng Chia. Cebu Pacific Cargo currently serves 34 domestic and 27 international destinations. Its services also include transhipments through 21 interline global partners. Cebu Pacific's 55-strong fleet is comprised of 10 Airbus A319, 31 A320, 6 A330 and 8 ATR 72-500 aircraft. Between 2015 and 2021, CEB will take delivery of 7 more brand-new Airbus A320 and 30 Airbus A321neo aircraft.
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