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Wednesday, 13 May 2015
Opportunity for Cargo Agents to Utilize ATA Carnet
Directorate General of Customs and Exercise (DJBC), started to provide service of ATA and CPD Carnet in customs procedure, following the increasing international activities of show and expo in Indonesia. DJBC announced that it has ratified the Istanbul Convention to apply ATA Carnet and CPD Carnet System since February 15, 2015, while the application would start on May 15, 2015. ICAC (IATA Cargo Agents Club)- the community of forwarding Indonesia as IATA-licensed air cargo agent revealed that this new customs procedure should be socialized to members. Hence, on May 2015, ICAC conducted discussion on ATA Carnet: More Opportunity for Cargo Agents in Global Market" at Auditorium PT Fajar Insan Nusantara (FIN) Logistics in Jakarta. Some key speakers gave presentation, including Denny Benhard, Head of Import Duty Division at DJBC, Herry Susanto, Customs Technique Director, Syarifuddin, Head of Customs Compartment, Muad Sulaiman, Director Executive Asperindo (Indonesia's Association of Express, Post, and Logistics), Muad Sulaiman, Vice Chairman of ICAC and Lusiana, Representative of ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) in Indonesia. "This new customs procedure gives an alternative service which is more simple, fast, and easier to facilitate import and export activities. Usually we use BC20," said Denny. ATA and CPD Carnet procedure is implemented in Presidential Decree No 89/2014 on the ratification of Convention On Temporary Admission. Its manual implementation is run under Regulation of Minister of Finance No 228/2014 (Permenkeu 228 / 2014) on Temporary Admission on Import Using Carnet or on Export for re-imported in certain time using Carnet. The article 7 of the Permenkeu 228 / 2014 says that ATA Carnet (Admission Temporaire/Temporary Admission Carnet) is an international customs document accepted as a customs declaration also functioning as an international guarantee. This article also explains that CPD Carnet (Carnet de Passages en Douane) is an international document functioning as customs declaration and also as international guarantee and can be used as transportation facilities. ATA Carnet document for temporary export/import document is used for goods of exhibition, professional tools, education, tourist personnel having, personal sports, and goods for charity activities. Meanwhile, CPD Carnet document acts as temporary export/import documents of transportation facilities for commercial and individuals. These two documents are international standard and can act - like passport - as national customs document. "These two documents are valid for one year. The CPD Carnet can be extended if it is expired, while the ATA Carnet can not be extended," Denny explained, ATA/CPD Carnet is applicative if the countries of origin and destination have both applied this procedure. This procedure has international coverage in which 75 countries around the world have applied it. Further, this system can be applied if the two countries have NIGA (National Issuing and Guaranteeing Association) for carnet. In Indonesia, the association acting as NIGA for ATA Carnet is the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN), while CPD Carnet is guaranteed Ikatan Motor Indonesia (IMI). Ade Wellington, ICAC Chairman, expects that this system can give benefits to community running international activities in Indonesia, thus creating opportunities for promotion through international participation. "On the other hand, the Indonesian citizens can easily participate in international activities abroad," he said.
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