Breaking News:
Thursday, 18 August 2016
Garuda Recorded Revenue Increase for US$107.78M from Cargo Business in H1-2016
PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk. (Garuda) recorded its significant revenue of the H1-2016 (H1) from the cargo directorate for US$107.78 millions. The revenue increased 8 per cent compared to the same period in 2015 that was for US$99.8 millions. Meanwhile, total of cargoes delivered by air in this period reached 198,354 tons, or increased by 12.6 per cent compared to the same period in 2015 for 176,123 tons. Besides the increase performance of cargo business, Garuda is also able to take positive notes in H1, even though the global economy situation has not been conducive like: the increase of passengers, OTP level that reached 91.3 per cent to International achievement that is able to be maintained for three times in a row as The World's Best Cabin Staff since 2014 (hat-trick). Garuda and Citilink Indonesia, during H1, succeeded to carry 16,592,908 passengers or increased 4.4 per cent compared to the same period in last year, there were 15,900,961 passengers. Garuda itself carried 11,422,898 passengers (9,309,636 domestic pax and 2,113,262 international pax), whereas Citilink Indonesia carried 5,170,010 passengers. Garuda's OTP level in H1 also increased by 91,3 per cent compared to last year, which was by 89,7 per cent. Regarding the services performance, Management applies "Excellent Services" program that requires continual service development. This proved an excellent achievement where the Garuda's cabin crews successfully achieved "The World Best Cabin Staff" from Skytrax (London base agency of independent flight rank) for three times in a row (hat-trick) from 2014 to 2016. The third time world achievement was achieved in the Skytrax World Airline Award 2016 held in Farnborough Air Show 2016. Besides the world's best cabin staff in the international exhibition, Garuda once again, maintain its reputation as a Five Star airlines, such as: Top 5 World's Best Airlines in Asia, Top 10 World's Best First Class Airlines, Top 10 World's Best Economy Class Airlines. Besides Skytrax, Garuda also achieved "Outstanding Food Service by a Carrier" from the Pax International Magazine, and Top 10 World's Most Favorite Airlines, Trip Advisor's version. Finance Performance In the financial performance, CEO Garuda Indonesia M. Arif Wibowo said, since the business expansion in early of this year, Garuda has recorded its revenue for USD 1.764 billions or decreased 4.1 per cent compared to the previous period in last year, that was for USD 1.84 billions. Garuda has also recorded net loss year to date for USD 63.2 millions or decreased compared to last year with profit record for 29.3 millions in the same period. "The current dynamic condition is a part of investment step that has been done before, yet it's still in the corridor that is measurably considered. The provision of airplanes for Garuda Indonesia and Citilink in the previous years is a part of a long-term business strategy of flights' rejuvenation. The management has predicted maturely as an effort to improve Garuda Indonesia Group's competitiveness to become a global player," said Arif.
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