Breaking News:
Sunday, 29 January 2017
BGR Inaugurated Genco Warehouse in Palembang
PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa (BGR), a state-owned corporate in logistic, inaugurated a general cargo (genco) warehouse in Palembang. The warehouse inauguration is a sign of the corporate readiness to improve their businesses in 2017. "We are optimistic, in 2017, BGR is experiencing growth from the business side," said the BGR's Managing Director R. Ruli Adi in his writing statement on Tuesday (10/1/2017). Ruli Adi said, the general cargo warehouse' space that is located at Sei Buah Palembang is 8,230 meter square on 19,319 meter square. Not only there's a warehouse in that location, there's also a 449 meter square two-story office. "The modern warehouse has been rented by PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk for three years," he said. Besides in Palembang, this year BGR will inaugurate a warehouse estate in Lampung set on 3.6 hectares land. The warehouse estate in Lampung that is located Srengsem, Panjang, Bandar Lampung is also BGR Lampung's main branch. BGR has 24 branches. Currently, the company manage 600 warehouses with total space around 1 million meters square that spread all around Indonesia. Until the end of 2016, the company has 500 fleets of transportation.
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