The Changi Airline Awards 2018 award was handed over Singapore's Minister of Education and Transport Mr. Ng Chee Meng to Lion Air Group Managing Director Capt Daniel Putut at The Ritz Carlton Millenia Singapore (30/4/2018)
Lion Air Group was awarded by Changi International Airport Singapore as the Top 5 airline that brought the most passengers to the airport. The Changi Airline Awards 2018 award was handed over Singapore's Minister of Education and Transport Mr. Ng Chee Meng to Lion Air Group Managing Director Capt. Daniel Putut at The Ritz Carlton Millenia Singapore.
Changi Airline Awards 2018 is a Singaporean government award for the contribution of airlines to Changi air traffic. The first time was held in 2017 with 25 kinds of awards consisting of airline group and airline carrier passenger also cargoes.
Capt Daniel said, the pride of prize was the second time obtained Lion Air Group. Last year Lion Air Group received a similar award because the development of their five shading airlines is very expansive.
"Until now we have brought 2 million passengers per year to Changi Airport with 15 flights per day," Said Capt Daniel.
Fifteen Lion Air Group flights are made by Lion Air Group 6 times daily from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Batik Air airlines 3 flights per day from Jakarta, Thai Lion Air 2 flights per day from Bangkok Don Mueang International Airport, and 4 flights from Airport International Kuala Lumpur Malaysia by Malindo Air.
"We hope Changi Airport will provide more prime time slots for all Lion Air Group flights," He said.
According to him, Singapore is still a strategic hub of Lion Air Group flight connectivity. This year Thai Lion Air will increase the frequency of flights from Bangkok and Malindo Air from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore.
Lion Air and Batik Air saw the market share of India and Bangladesh to Singapore. So are some cities in Indonesia are being studied its market share to fly directly to Singapore.
The other of top five awarded airlines are Singapore Airlines Group, Jetstar Group, AirAsia Group, and Cathay Pacific Airways.
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