One of the Covid-19 effects is Distance Learning Policy (PJJ) through online teaching-learning method for all students across Indonesia. For the unfortunate students such as students in orphanages need donations. Therefore, working together with Ruang Guru, JNE commits to help by giving learning facilities.
Since August (in Eid-Ul Adha 1441H), JNE has started to implement the program of donating hundreds of computers and printers, as well as free WIFI connection for one year to 30 orphanages in Jakarta. After the learning facilities are available, then JNE and Ruang Guru work together to provide learning materials (lessons) in order to maximize the use of Distance Learning Activity for the students in the orphanage houses.
The inauguration ceremony of JNE’s collaboration with Ruang Guru was held on Thursday (Oct 22) via video conference using an online platform. Eri Palgunadi, VP of Marketing of JNE together with Amri, Head of Public Policy for the Ruang Guru, were the main resource persons and explained various things about the program which aims to improve the quality of education for orphaned children in the orphanage this time.
Eri said: “This program is a part of series towards celebrating JNE’s 30th Anniversary this year. For 3 decades JNE has fulfilled the delivery needs of its customers throughout the archipelago, the spirit of “Connecting Happiness” tagline has continued to be manifested, not only to the package senders and recipients, but also to the wider community, with the aim of giving, supporting and loving to be happy together“.
The initial stage, continued Eri, this collaboration program started from 3 orphanages in East Jakarta, namely Yatuna, Al Sakinah, and Al Khairan. Furthermore, this program will be implemented in 27orphanages, so that in total there will be 30 other orphanages in Jakarta that receive PJJ equipment from JNE.
“This program is one of the series programs in the JNE’s 30th anniversary and as a real step to give donation to orphans throughout archipelago as taught by the JNE’s founder, the Late of H. Soeprapto Soeparno,” added Eri.
Meanwhile, Amri Ilmma, from the Ruang Guru, said, “Thank you for JNE’s concern in the education sector through the distribution of computers and printers provision for the students in orphanages”.
“The Ruang Guru is ready to support learning activities for a full year by providing learning program tools in the form of access to the Study Room in the Ruang Guru application, which includes thousands of animated learning videos, question banks, infographic summaries, and PR clinics, thereby improving the quality of education for students in the orphanages can be maximized,“ Amri explained.
Collaboration and sharing are solutions to overcome various challenges. “For JNE, supports for the ecosystem must continue. Especially in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic which has a wide impact. As one of those that has received support from the government to continue operating, this is a momentum for JNE to help, not only in the social sector, but also in education, health, and others, “concluded Eri.(dpar)
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