Breaking News:
Wednesday, 25 March 2020
Vietjet offers "SKY COVID CARE" insurance to all passengers amid the COVID-19 outbreak

The new-age carrier Vietjet offers the SKY COVID CARE insurance, which covers from VND20,000,000 (US$857) to a maximum of VND200,000,000 (US$8,570) benefits for all passengers flying on the airline's domestic flights in Vietnam from March 23, 2020 to June 30, 2020.

Accordingly, passengers are eligible for the insurance coverage and benefits from Vietjet within 30 days starting from their flight date, regardless of contagion sources.

Vietjet will pay up to tens of billions of Vietnam Dong worth of insurance premiums to entirely ensure passengers' safety when flying on its modern and comfortable aircraft, which are served by young and professional cabin crew. The safety of passengers and cabin crews are protected at the highest level against all risks of the disease.

To be eligible for insurance coverage, passengers need to provide all information in accordance with Vietjet's "Terms and conditions" when purchasing tickets and using aviation services; and comply with all regulations on disease prevention and control of Vietjet, the Ministry of Health and local authorities.

Author: Martin Jop
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