Angkasa Pura Logistics, a subsidiary of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), once again, expanded their business by launching a collection point service of their Express and Courier business in Bandung, West Java.
Courier and Express collection point service is not a new service for Angkasa Pura Logistics. After the opening in Jakarta, Surabaya, Banjarmasin, Batam, Solo, Semarang, and Yogyakarta, and Bandung is the eighth collection point launched by the Strategic Business Unit of Angkasa Pura Logistics Courier and Express.
“This city becomes an option for Bandung and its surroundings are cities with fairly rapid creative industries and has substantial UMKM (MSME) networks. Therefore, we come to provide delivery solutions for our MSME partners and other industries in Bandung and surroundings,” said Ndaru, Head of SBU Express of PT Angkasa Pura Logistik.
Bandung and its surroundings are not new markets for courier and express companies, yet Angkasa Pura Logistik has an aim to make express and courier business units provide competitive prices with services that meet customers’ expectations.
“Our hope that within 1 year ahead the express and courier unit business can grow as Top of Mind and Word of Mouth as well as to become an express and the courier company that can be relied on in Bandung and its surroundings,” he said.
Up to 2021, Angkasa Pura Logistics has had eight express and courier Collection Points stretching from Batam to Banjarmasin. This is to increase the service range and expand Angkasa Pura Logistics’ business network as one of the reliable logistics companies in Indonesia.
PT. Angkasa Pura Logistik is a player in the logistics business both domestically and internationally by prioritizing the best services, safe, secured, punctual and being accurate in giving integrated logistics solutions to customers using land, sea, and air logistics transportation as well as the services of the warehouse, cargo handling, export-import (PPJK), Regulated Agent, and others.
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