Breaking News:
Sunday, 4 September 2022
MY Indo Airlines Expands Network with Additional Aircraft B737-800F

L-R: Mr. Muhammad Yusuf - VP Technical; Mr. M Ridwan - Director; Mr. Tajudin S/O Mohd Ali - SVP Fleet Management; Mr. Mohamed Yunos Ishak - President Director; Mrs. Winda J. Maukar - Executive VP Admin, Finance & Commercial; Mr. Pikhas Rakhmadya - QA Manager; Mr. Ferri Firmansyah - Safety Manager. (doc. myindo)

MY Indo Airlines has welcomed the latest arrival to its fleet: the first Boeing 737-800 Freighter (B737-800F). The new aircraft with registration PK-MYI named as ‘Rizqun Qareem’ will be the eight aircraft added to the MY Indo fleet on July 2022.

The B737-800F aircraft is capable of carrying up to 23.000 kg of cargo. In addition, B737-800F also has a capacity for 12 pallet positions that can hold 11 pallets measuring 88 in x 125 in standard and one pallet measuring 88 in x 62 in.

These aircraft are equipped with winglets to improve fuel efficiency and flight performance. The delivery of the aircraft will allow it to expand its network and add additional flights to existing calls for its winter schedule 2022.

The ceremony was held on 21st July 2022 at FL Technics, Hanggar Angkasa Pura II, Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Tangerang – Banten.

MY Indo Airlines President Director, Mohamed Yunos Ishak hopes it will provide more cargo capacity to support market needs especially to China and Japan in future.

“We are observing strong demand within Asia network especially China and Japan. This is the reason why we are establishing new network and can thus offer our customers an attractive range of quality cargo transport service to this region,” Ishak says.

MY Indo Airlines is expecting another two B737-800F to be delivered by first quarter of 2023. The carrier currently operates with total 8 (eight) B737 Freighters – 2 (two) B737-400F series, 4 (four) B737-300F series, 1 (one) B737-200F series and 1 (one) B737-800F series. It offers network within South East Asia, Indo-China, China and South Asia (India and Sri Lanka), amongst others. It also operates an extensive domestics market within Indonesia.

Author: myi
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