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Wednesday, 9 November 2022
Supporting Indonesian Women Empowerment, SiCepat Involves in WEF 2022

Being active announcing the support the G20 big event, SiCepat Ekspres (SiCepat) attended and contributed themselves during the 74th International Women Economic Forum (WEF) 2022 event that was organized by the Womenpreneurs Indonesia Network (WIN) at The Royal Pita Maha, Ubud, Bali (6-8 October 2022).

International Women Economic Forum is an international forum that was initiated by All Ladies League (ALL) and G100 Club India that is organized globally. This forum provides a place for women empowerment activists to discuss, collaborate, and be connected with the women community to promote women entrepreneurship and leadership in Indonesia.

In the series of International Women Economic Forum, SiCepat that was represented by Wiwin Dewi Herawati, Chief Marketing and Corporate Communication Officer of SiCepat Ekspres, was present as a speaker in the seminar title “Women in SME’s as Driver of Economic Growth”

Side by side with Priyalashmi Murugesan, Co-Founder, President of Indian Women in Enterprise (I-WE) Philippines and Dr. Liza Van Der Stock, Founder of ION The Community, Belgium, Wiwin explained the support that is given by SiCepat to MSMEs especially women as the nation's economic movement.

“We agreed that women empowerment has an important role for the national economy. Therefore, a real support is given by SiCepat through a loyalty program for sellers, CSR program for women community, and Sanubari program that gives knowledge and education for MSMEs to develop,” said Wiwin.

The 74th International Women Economic Forum 2022 was also attended by 100 women leaders from 19 countries, namely from Australia, Phillipina, India, Belgia, South Africa, Lebanon, to Russia. Together with the meeting of the international delegation, the event was filled with business matching agendas that open opportunities for each participant to be involved to introduce their company and open opportunities of international cooperation.

Author: Martin Jop
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