Breaking News:
Tuesday, 26 December 2023
Juanda Surabaya Becomes The First Pilot Project of NLE Regulation

Juanda Surabaya Airport (SUB), one of the airports managed by Angkasa Pura Airports/PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero), is firmed up as a pilot project implementing the National Logistics Ecosystems (NLE) Regulation Program. NLE Program is a government program aimed at developing national logistics work performance, improving investment climate, and increasing national economy competitiveness. The Indonesian Republic President Instruction Number 5 Year 2020 regulates this program regarding the National Logistics Ecosystem Regulation.

“Angkasa Pura Airports, as Juanda Surabaya Airport management committed to fully supporting the implementation of NLE Program to increase the efficiency of the national logistics and cargo distribution process. With the more efficient business process, then it will also have a positive effect towards cargo service effectiveness, cargo throughput increase, and, finally, it will end in company’s earnings increase,” said Dendi T. Danianto, the Director of Angkasa Pura Airports Commercial and Services.

Through this confirmation, Juanda Airport started to implement the fourth pillar of the NLE Program, they are goods distribution and port layout management. The fourth pillar is implemented through an Integrated Physical Checkpoints (TPFT) as a location of joint inspection of Quarantine and Customs checks and related stakeholders.

Dendi said further, that the TPFT facility at Juanda Airport, physically, has been completed 100% and has prepared a new procedure related to the goods distribution that has been agreed upon by stakeholders. Angkasa Pura Airports has also conveyed the changes to the Restricted Security Area (DKT) layout to the Aviation Security Directorate - the Ministry of Transportation.

Through the TPFT implementation, the process of logistics service at Juanda Airport will be more efficient, they are: 1) by reducing business processes from 8 processes to 6 processes, 2) by reducing the loading-unloading points from 3 points to 1 point, 3) by reducing the logistics unloading process from 2 processes to become 1 process, 4) reducing physical document from 4 documents to become 2 documents, and 5) hope, it will give effect to the cargo check costs reduction by 30%-40%.

“Simplification and efficiency of the business process at the Integrated Physical Checkpoints (TPFT) becomes one of the keys of logistics and cargo services improvement at Juanda Airport Surabaya. In the future, Angkasa Pura Airports will start implementing this program at other three airports that are in the NLE Program implementation priority airports, they are I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali, SAMS Sepinggang Balikpapan, and Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar,” Dendi continued.

In supporting the NLE Program, Angkasa Pura Airports has also implemented the Cargo Integrated System (CIS) 2.0, it’s a system that supports business process digitalisation at the airport cargo terminal. Per 1 November, Angkasa Pura Airports has implemented CIS 2.0 at 10 airports and has been targeted to be implemented at 14 airports starting 1 January 2024.

“We hope that the several efforts that have been implemented will have a positive impact on the entire cargo and logistics service process at Angkasa Pura Airports, which in the end will have a positive multiplier effect on the national cargo and logistics distribution network,” concluded Dendi.

Author: Martin Jop
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