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Wednesday, 8 March 2023
STFC Held Socialization of The Implementation of e-CD for Hajj and Umrah Pilgrims

A communication forum between entrepreneurs and regulators at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (Soetta), the Soekarno-Hatta Trade Facilitation Committee (STFC) in collaboration with the Customs Office of the Main Branch of Soekarno-Hatta Airport (Bea Excise Soetta) held an event to socialize of the implementation of the Electronic Customs Declaration (e -CD), as a means of disseminating information on improving services for airport service users, especially pilgrims and Umrah pilgrims.

The event that was initiated by STFC was carried out on Thursday, 2 February 2023, in Building B, Type C Customs Main Service Office, Soekarno Hatta Airport Cargo Area, Tangerang, Banten.

In the welcoming speech, the Chairman of STFC, Andrianto Soedjarwo said it needs synergy between regulators and entrepreneurs at Soetta to improve services to airplane passengers.

“This is an important socialization, considering there are many hajj pilgrims, umrah pilgrims and travel agents who haven't understood the importance of e-CD filling, and the provisions related to passengers' luggages,” said Andrianto.

Meanwhile, the Head Office of Soetta Customs and Excise, Finari Manan said tha he welcome STFC initiation on the social activity as said by the General Head of STCF that the users of airport services especially hajj pilgrims and umrah as well as the travel agents who haven't understood the importance of e-CD filling and the provisions of passengers' luggages.

“I hope that this socialization can continue to strengthen cooperation and relations of all relevant stakeholders at Soetta Airport, so that the service continues to improve,” said Finari.

Socialization presents the First Customs and Excise Inspector, Neni Nurshanti, as a resource person. On that occasion, he stressed the function of filling out the e-CD along with its conditions. Furthermore, Neni also explained the steps in filling out the e-CD to get a barcode which will be scanned by passengers when they are in the Customs area.

In their delivery, participants are expected to be able to disseminate information to other pilgrims, so that they can support the smooth implementation of the e-CD for passengers of the Hajj-Umrah pilgrims.

Submitting a Custom Declaration (CD) or notification of customs goods for passengers via Soetta no longer uses paper, but has been diverted to fill out the Electronic Customs Declaration (e-CD) using their respective gadgets by heading to the page.

E-CD is an institutional transformation carried out by Customs and Excise to support the reduction of excessive use of paper, as well as to facilitate the delivery of passenger luggage.

It is hoped that with this socialization, participants will understand the duties and functions of Customs and Excise in protecting the public from potential smuggling and as community protectors.

Attending the e-CD socialization as participants were representatives from ASITA, ASTINDO, Asosiasi Muslim Penyelenggara Haji dan Umrah Republik Indonesia (AMPHURI), Syarikat Penyelenggara Umrah Haji Indonesia (SAPUHI), Garuda Indonesia, Citilink, Indonesia National Air Carriers Association (INACA), The Indonesian Board of Airline Representatives (Barindo), JAS Airport Service, and Gapura Angkasa

Author: Martin/Dpar
GO Ina

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