Breaking News:
Monday, 4 March 2024
J&T Express Participates in LEAP, Deepens Cooperation with E-commerce Platforms

J&T Express, a global logistics service operator, participated in LEAP, the largest technology event in the Middle East, held in Saudi Arabia from 4 - 7 March, 2024. Leveraging the platform to deepen its cooperation with leading global and local e-commerce platforms, the company aims to support their growth and development in Saudi Arabia and the wider Middle East region.

LEAP, known as the "Digital Davos," showcased Saudi Arabia's advances in economic transformation and technological innovation as the largest economy in the Middle East under the theme "Saudi Arabia is open!" this year. This edition of LEAP featured close to 1,000 speakers and over 1,800 global exhibitors showcasing the latest technological breakthroughs.

As one of the exhibitors, J&T Express signed a cooperation agreement with Salla, the largest e-commerce platform in Saudi Arabia, to provide comprehensive cross-border logistics services for Saudi consumers and merchants, including fast and secure delivery, customized logistics solutions, and after-sales service. J&T Express looks forward to this cooperation and its role in further strengthening business ties between Saudi Arabia and the rest of the world, promoting the prosperity and development of cross-border trade.

In addition to the cooperation with Salla, J&T Express also showcased its close partnerships with multiple e-commerce platforms in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East, including Temu, Noon, Shein, and Tiktok, supporting the further expansion of e-commerce businesses in the Saudi market.

J&T Express officially started operations in Saudi Arabia in January 2022 and quickly became the 20th cross-border clearance and local delivery integrated operator in the Kingdom. J&T Express covers the entire Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through its own end-to-end collection and delivery network, reaching any remote area and achieving 100% coverage within Saudi Arabia.

In February 2022, J&T Express established its Middle East and North Africa regional headquarters in Saudi Arabia. The General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA), representing the Saudi government, officially signed a memorandum of understanding with J&T Express and eWTP Arabia Capital on the smart logistics industrial park plan to jointly build the largest smart logistics industrial park in the region.

J&T Express is committed to promoting the transformation of Saudi Arabia into a global logistics hub by providing innovative logistics solutions and enhancing and strengthening the e-commerce ecosystem in the Middle East and North Africa region.

In 2023, J&T Express Saudi Arabia was awarded "Last Mile Delivery Company of the Year" in Saudi Arabia by the KSA Logistics & Transport Awards.

J&T Express is a global logistics service provider with leading express delivery businesses in Southeast Asia and China, the largest and fastest-growing market in the world. In the Middle East and North Africa region, in addition to Saudi Arabia, J&T Express' courier services have also entered the markets of the United Arab Emirates and Egypt.

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