Breaking News:
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
DB Schenker Logistics Offers Customers Mobile Shipment Tracking On iPhone
Effective immediately, DB Schenker Logistics customers can now track their shipments when they are not in the office from an Apple iPhone. An application developed specifically for the purpose provides mobile access to shipment tracking information just like shipment tracking on the Internet. Customers can retrieve the status of shipments being moved by land transportation, air and ocean freight worldwide. The application is available free of charge in the App Store under "DB Schenker" in English and German. Further languages, such as Chinese, Czech, Spanish, Turkish, Portuguese, Norwegian and Swedish are to follow. "With this application, we are one of the first logistics service providers worldwide to offer customers from trade and industry such a mobile shipment tracking system," says Dr. Thomas C. Lieb, Chairman of the Management Board of Schenker AG, who is also responsible for global air and ocean freight. "We realize that innovation, particularly in the field of information technology, has become a decisive factor in the marketplace. For this reason, we are currently making significant investments in our global information systems," explains Peter Schumann, CIO, Schenker AG. "Transparency, data security, user friendliness and easy availability of data are vitally important for our customers." With the new tracking solution, DB Schenker Logistics is expanding its current range of IT applications. A solution for mobile shipment tracking is being prepared for other operating systems.(dbml/mar)
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