Breaking News:
Sunday, 15 August 2010
PT. Gapura Angkasa Ready To Anticipate Cargo Booming During Idoel Fitri
Following the issuance of government regulation and policies on commuter movement and cargo distribution during the Idoel Fitri, several operators doing have taken action to prepare facilities and infrastructures, including facilities and infrastructures at airport. As an operator in ground handling ( Airport Service) at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, PT. Gapura Angkasa has stated that it has been ready serve the peak season during the Idoel Fitri this year. "Our facilities and infrastructures are ready for this peak season," Warehousing General Manager for PT. Gapura Angkasa, Hendro Wahyu W told Cargo Times+. Coming to the Idoel Fitri season, the cargo and commuter movement usually increased significantly, according to Hendro. "Our ground handling equipments and infrastructures are ready for this season,"he said, adding that it has anticipated to accommodate the cargo booming two weeks before the event and one week after. To anticipate this peak season, PT. Gapura Angkasa will deploy 2 additional forklift, adding the 10 units that are now in operation. "So in total, we will deploy 12 units to anticipate the cargo booming." To support the service, human resources has also been ready through overtime framework as normally practiced by companies. "We will provided special compensation for this,"he said. Hendro expects for 10 - 20% cargo increase during Idoel Fitri season. The increase will take place at domestic warehouses, while export import will be steady. "Usually, the import will boom approaching Christmas and New Year, while Idoel Fitri is boomed with domestic," he explained. (ayos)
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