Breaking News:
Sunday, 3 July 2016
Airline Industry Pledges to Fight Against Wildlife Trafficking
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) 72nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Dublin (June 2), unanimously endorsed a resolution denouncing the illegal trade in wildlife and wildlife products and pledging to partner with government authorities and conservation organizations in the fight against the traffickers of endangered animals. "The illegal wildlife trade threatens the survival of many endangered species, the local communities and businesses that depend on them, and poses a risk to health and safety. In line with our broad commitment to sustainability, the airline industry is reinforcing its role by helping to shut down the vile activities of poaching and trafficking," said Tony Tyler, IATA's Director General and CEO. The resolution urges governments to commit additional resources to address illegal trafficking and calls on airlines to: > Increase passenger, client, customer and employee awareness about the nature, scale and consequences of the illegal wildlife trade > Partner with airports, freight forwarders and other stakeholders to work proactively with enforcement agencies and conservation organizations to address the problem > Consider the adoption of appropriate policies and procedures to discourage trafficking through awareness programs, information sharing and incident reporting
GO Ina

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