Breaking News:
Sunday, 8 May 2016
GudangBang Answers the Small-Medium Entrepreneur's Logistic Issues
The small-medium entrepreneurs, who need places to put their inventories, are difficult to get a warehouse that suits to their needs. The strains start from the short-term rent of a warehouse, the small space to unaffordable rental fee. The segments of the Small-Medium Entrepreneurs (UKM) and Small-Medium Industries (IKM), majority, are from the national commerce and industry businesses. They often become the savior when the economy decelerates. Kyatmaja Lookman, the leader of a distribution and trucking company, who also feels the problems, finally, suggested to form of platform that is able to answer the needs and give solution over the issues suffered by the warehouse owners, UKM, IKM and others who need a warehouse. Through its subsidiary, PT Lookman Djaja Land held a soft launching of partnership with GudangBang Indonesia, an application that provide self-storage for special items storage like small- medium micro business products. As the first step, 35 storages with a warehouse size that suits to the needs of small and medium businesses have been available at PT Lookman Djaja, Ancol. The available warehouse sizes are 1.2m x 3m x 2.4m and 1.2m x 5m x 2.4m with rental prices from Rp.900,000/month. The interesting thing is one warehouse can be used by five parties. Meanwhile, the complement facility is to give security and comfort to the tenants like CCTV and WiFi. For the next steps, GudangBang will expand to big cities, and the expansion of the logistic knots is from Sumatera to Sulawesi.
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