Breaking News:
Sunday, 3 July 2016
Late Delivery to the Designated Address, BGR Express and Gapura Entwine A Collaboration
PT. Bhanda Ghara Reksa (BGR) Express would be the party to delivery the delay passengers' baggage of the Garuda Indonesia with Pekanbaru destination. After the signing of the Agreement between BGR Express and PT Gapura Angkasa (Gapura), Thursday (2/6/2016), the State-Owned Corporation that run its business in Courier Service will deliver the baggage to each passenger's address. "The official operation starts today. If there's a baggage that comes late, BGR Express will deliver it to the given address," said Junaidi, the BGR Express Manager for the Riau Islands. The collaboration with Gapura, Junaidi continued, as an effort to synergize between the State-Owned Corporates. This is being worked on so that every branch in other provinces will make collaboration with other state-owned corporate(s). In this agreement, BGR Express will deliver each baggage that is left behind. Hope in the future, the work together is not only about baggage, but there would be other prospects.
GO Ina

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