Breaking News:
Sunday, 3 July 2016
The Synergy of Cargo Delivery Services between Garuda Indonesia and Pos Indonesia
The joint venture between PT Garuda Indonesia and PT Pos Indonesia of goods delivery services will be realized soon. Garuda Indonesia Cargo will give special prices to the Pos Indonesia for the goods delivery with domestic and International routes especially. Pos Indonesia will use Garuda Indonesia flights for every special goods delivery and attach the logo of Garuda Indonesia Cargo for Dangerous Goods (DG) and Valuable Goods (VAL) delivered via post outlets. The preparation has been done to make the joint venture work smoothly from the MoU signing to the Dangerous Goods Awareness course for the Pos Indonesia's employees that were held on 18 - 19 May 2016. The material delivered directly by Rahmat, The Manager of Cargo Operation, to 34 employees as representatives from all Pos Indonesia branches. The course materials included important materials related to DG, from regulation discussion, supervision, packing, document for delivery to handling process. The short course is aimed to improve awareness of employees over the Dos and the Don'ts in handling DG process. The process towards the joint venture realization was closed by the agreement signing of joint venture done by the Director of Cargo Distribution from Garuda Indonesia, Sigit Muhartono and the Director of Packages and Letters from PT Pos Indonesia, Agus F. Handoyo on 25 May 2016 at the Jakarta Great Post Office The Pos Indonesia, officially, has been able to do the delivery of special goods that refer to IATA's and Garuda Indonesia's regulation. All the post outlets that receive special goods delivery have the logos of Garuda Indonesia Cargo and Pos Indonesia on the outlets. This synergy will give mutual benefits. The Garuda Indonesia's revenue from special goods delivery services will positively increase for the delivery, today, can be done at all Pos Indonesia outlets. On the other side, the options of delivery services from the Pos Indonesia are even various with the special goods delivery. The options are not limited on general goods and notes deliveries.
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