FedEx Express (FedEx), one of the world’s largest express transportation companies, announced enhancements to its international outbound express services in Indonesia. The transit time for FedEx International Priority and FedEx International Priority Freight shipments from Indonesia to Singapore will be reduced to only one business day. Exporters in Indonesia can now benefit from faster deliveries to Singapore at the same shipping rates.
Singapore is one of Indonesia’s top trading partners. According to The Official Statistical News of Batam City BPS report, total exports of Batam City increased by 31.6% in Q1 2022. The rise in export value is due to an increase in cumulative exports of the non-oil and gas sector by 32.5 %, where the United States and China are cited as its top three destinations along with Singapore.
“Our improved transit time will benefit Indonesian businesses and exporters, helping them to optimize their supply chains and strengthen their competitive advantages. This latest service offer reaffirms the FedEx commitment to providing SMEs and local businesses with faster and more reliable access to one of Indonesia’s largest trading partners, Singapore,” said Garrick Thompson, Managing Director, FedEx Express Indonesia.
FedEx is constantly enhancing its existing international services with the introduction of innovative shipping solutions to meet the growing needs of customers, particularly small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
Menutup rangkaian Konvoi jaket dan helm terbaru #KurirSATSETJNE hasil kolaborasi eksklusif bersama merek lokal asli Indonesia, EIGER Tropical Adventure dan Cargloss Helmets
…DetailsDalam upaya meningkatkan transparansi, efisiensi, dan kepatuhan di sektor keuangan dan bisnis, InJourney (INJ) bersama sub-holdingnya InJourney Aviation Services (IAS) menggelar sosialisasi FAGRC (Finance, Accounting, Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance) di Gedung Graha Angkasa Pura I, Kemayoran,
…DetailsPT. Citra Van Titipan Kilat (TIKI), perusahaan jasa pengiriman terkemuka di Indonesia, menunjukkan kepeduliannya dengan menyalurkan bantuan bagi para korban kebakaran di Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat.
…DetailsPT Integrasi Aviasi Solusi atau InJourney Aviation Services (IAS) selaku sub-holding dari InJourney, Kamis, tanggal 06 Februari 2025 telah sukses melaksanakan suatu program penting dalam proses konsolidasi.