ICT News
Supporting MSE Growth in Cargo Logistics Industry, J&T Cargo Open Partnership Opportunity
J&T Cargo, a logistics company focusing on big volume and size packages delivery, opens business opportunities for people through cargo logistic partnership. With fast and Details
MY Indo Airlines Supports Indonesian Government to Distribute Covid-19 Vaccines
MY Indo Airlines plays a role in transporting and distributing Covid-19 vaccines in Indonesia. The new cargo company recently flew vaccines, from Shenzhen, China, to Details
After A Record-setting Year, Delta Cargo Eyes 2022
Delta Cargo had a lot to celebrate in 2021: the division marked its 75th anniversary and is likely to record the best revenue year in Details
Emirates SkyCargo Transports 600 Million Doses of COVID-19 Vaccines
Emirates SkyCargo has announced that it has crossed a major milestone in the global distribution of COVID-19 vaccines with 600 million doses flown on its Details
Ethiopian Receives IATA’s Certificate of Excellence in Logistics (CEIV Pharma)
Ethiopian Airlines, the largest aviation group in Africa, is pleased to announce that it has received IATA’s Center of Excellence for Independent Validators in Pharmaceutical Details
Ini Susunan Pengurus APBMI 2021-2026
Jajaran Kepengurusan Dewan Pimpinan Pusat (DPP) Asosiasi Perusahaan Bongkar Muat Indonesia (APBMI) periode 2021-2026 dikukuhkan langsung oleh Ketua Umum DPP APBMI, Juswandi Kristanto yang disaksikan oleh Staf Khusus Menteri Perhubungan, Mayjen TNI Buyung Lelana, di Jakarta pada Rabu (8/12/2021). Details
Logistics Transformation to Digital Needed to Encourage Economy Growth
by Yukki Nugrahawan Hanafi, Chairman of ALFI/ILFAThere are at least two main reasons why logistics players to adapt with changes in running their business, the Details
On The Harbolnas 11.11, J&T Express Delivery Increase Up to 1.5 Times
The squirm of online transactions through digital platforms affects the growth of businesses from small to medium scale. No wonder the development of technology greatly Details
Global Supply Chain Disruption Is Not Over Yet
By : Bambang Sabekti (professional in maritime Industry) and Asmari Herry (Container Shipping Observer) It seems that Indonesian economy will improve soon after the Covid-1 Details
CMA CGM AIR CARGO Orders A New Generation of Freighter Aircraft, Four Airbus 350F
Equipped with the latest technologies and in particular with optimized fuel consumption, the A350F will be, upon delivery, the cargo aircraft with the best environmental Details
Menteri Perhubungan Dudy Purwagandhi menyampaikan pemerintah telah menyiapkan sejumlah strategi mitigasi guna mengantisipasi lonjakan jumlah pemudik pada Angkutan Lebaran 2025.
…DetailsKantor Otoritas Bandar Udara Wilayah VIII Manado pada hari ini, Rabu (11/3) meresmikan Penerbangan Angkutan Udara Perintis Koordinator Wilayah (Korwil) Gorontalo, Sulawesi Utara periode Tahun Anggaran 2025.
…DetailsMenteri Perhubungan Dudy Purwagandhi menyampaikan Kementerian Perhubungan telah menyiapkan sejumlah sarana dan prasarana transportasi guna menghadapi masa Angkutan Lebaran pada 21 Maret hingga 11 April 2025
…DetailsMenteri Perhubungan Dudy Purwagandhi memimpin Rapat Koordinasi Persiapan Angkutan Lebaran 2025 dengan kementerian, operator/stakeholder BUMN, serta swasta sektor transportasi.