ICT News
Ten Qatar Airways Cargo New Stations Receives Qualified Envirotainer Provider Training and QEP Accreditation
Qatar Airways Cargo is pleased to announce that it has received the Qualified Envirotainer Provider Training and Quality Programme (QEP) accreditation for 10 new stations Details
Five Ton CDD Long Trucks Now Available at Deliveree
On September 4, 2018, Deliveree revealed the immediate launch of CDD long trucks (double engkel box long trucks) available on its mobile and web app Details
Air Cargo Stakeholders are Optimistic Bali will Become The World Best Hub of Transshipment
from left: Sigit Herdiyanto, Joseph Adrian Saul, and Syarif Hidayat (photo ct)Transshipment is a moving activity of goods from one location to another location using Details
SIA Launches Thrucool Service for Pharmaceutical Cargo
Singapore Airlines (SIA) previousy announced the launch of Thrucool, a new service to transport high-value, time-sensitive and temperature-controlled pharmaceutical cargo with speed and reliability. Thrucoo offers Details
BOC Aviation Purchases Eight A330 NEO Aircraft For Lease To Lion Air Group
A leading global aircraft operating leasing company, BOC Aviation Limited (BOC Aviation) is pleased to announce that it has purchased eight new Airbus A330 NEO family Details
JAL and Garuda Indonesia Sign Comprehensive Partnership Agreement
Garuda Indonesia, a flag carrier and an international airlines, Japan Airlines (JAL) on Friday (06/09) have signed a strategic partnership agreement, which will greatly benefit Details
WorldACD: July 2018: Lacklustre performance continues - trend towards larger shipments in 2018 - market developments for past 10 years
A minimal worldwide YoY growth is what the month of July 2018 had in store for the air cargo world: the second month in a Details
APLog, TIPS Inovasi, and Citilink Collaborate to Optimize The Baggage for Delivery
from left: Triawan Munaf - Head of Bekraf, Faik Fahmi - Managing Director of PT. Angkasa Pura I, Herry A.Y. Sikado – Managing Director of APLog Details
JACC 2018 Halal bihalal Event
JACC or Jakarta Air Cargoes Community conducted a “2018 Halal bihalal” event and run successfully on Friday, 27 July 2018, at Clique Kitchen & Bar, Graha Details
Emirates SkyCargo Helps Deliver Healthcare from South Korea to Africa
Emirates SkyCargo (Emirates), the freight division of Emirates airline and the world’s largest international cargo airline, has helped deliver lifesaving medical equipment from Seoul to Details
Maskapai Citilink menambah rute penerbangan barunya dari Jakarta melalui Bandar Udara Halim Perdanakusuma (HLP) menuju Bandar Udara Gatot Soebroto (WTX) di Way Kanan Provinsi Lampung.
…DetailsMenteri Perhubungan Dudy Purwagandhi menyampaikan rencana operasi (Renops) Kementerian Perhubungan untuk mendukung kelancaran lalu lintas selama arus mudik dan balik Lebaran tahun 2025.
…DetailsMenteri Perhubungan Dudy Purwagandhi dan Menteri Komunikasi dan Digital Meutya Hafid bertemu untuk membahas kolaborasi yang akan dilakukan terkait penyebaran informasi seputar angkutan Lebaran 2025.
…DetailsSebagai perusahaan dengan jaringan seluruh Indonesia, UT butuh mitra logistik yang handal menangani barang yang perlu penanganan khusus dan sensitif waktu.