ICT News
AP II Set to Provide Cash Back to Airlines on Indonesia’s Independence Day
State-owned airport management company Angkasa Pura II , also known as AP II, is set to provide cash back incentive to airlines serving domestic flights Details
Etihad Airways Introduces B787 on Incheon Service
Etihad Airways has introduced the Boeing 787-9 on its scheduled daily service from Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), to Seoul Details
Garuda is Optimistic that The Cargo’s Income to Reach US$270.8 million
Flag carrier, Garuda Indonesia feel optimistic that the income of cargo delivery will reach US$270.8 million this year Details
Indonesia AirAsia Plans to Sell Up to 30% Stake in Q4 IPO: Fernandes
Indonesia AirAsia, the local affiliate of Southeast Asia's largest budget airline, plans to sell 25 percent to 30 percent of its stake via an IPO Details
Aviation Safety Standard in Indonesia to be Reviewed
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) would conduct on-site audit under its Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme in October, Details
UPS Expands Alcohol Shipping To Consumers Across Asia Pacific
UPS, a global leader in transportation and logistics, can now ship wine, beer, and spirits Details
The Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia and AirAsia Commemorates Partnership
The Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia and AirAsia, the world’s best low-cost airline, has officially unveiled a collaboration to drive tourism efforts in promoting Details
Jetstar Asia Takes To The Skies of Okinawa
Jetstar Asia has announced low-cost direct flights from Singapore to Okinawa, a sub-tropical island in southern Japan, which will start on 17 November 2017 with Details
Malaysia Airlines Unveils “Negaraku” Livery
Malaysia Airlines Berhad (MAB) unveiled the “Negaraku” livery on the airline’s Boeing 737-800 aircraft, on 10 July 2017. Malaysia Airlines owns two subsidiary airlines: Firefly Details
Lufthansa Cargo, Innovative Sun Protection for Refrigerated Freight
Now that the expansion of the Lufthansa Cargo Cool Center in Frankfurt has begun and the Road Feeder Service Cool, the first of its Details
Menteri Perhubungan Dudy Purwagandhi terus mengkoordinasikan kesiapan Angkutan Lebaran (Angleb) 2025 dengan Kepala Daerah.
…DetailsMenteri Perhubungan Dudy Purwagandhi menyampaikan pemerintah telah menyiapkan sejumlah strategi mitigasi guna mengantisipasi lonjakan jumlah pemudik pada Angkutan Lebaran 2025.
…DetailsKantor Otoritas Bandar Udara Wilayah VIII Manado pada hari ini, Rabu (11/3) meresmikan Penerbangan Angkutan Udara Perintis Koordinator Wilayah (Korwil) Gorontalo, Sulawesi Utara periode Tahun Anggaran 2025.
…DetailsMenteri Perhubungan Dudy Purwagandhi menyampaikan Kementerian Perhubungan telah menyiapkan sejumlah sarana dan prasarana transportasi guna menghadapi masa Angkutan Lebaran pada 21 Maret hingga 11 April 2025