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The Necessity of Further Socialization to Make Clear Constraints of Service Authority at the Cargo & Post Terminals
Air cargo stakeholders are enthusiastic to know the authority and standard of cargo service as in Law Number 1/2009 (UU No.1/2009) Details
MYIndo Answer The Needs of Cargo Transportation in Central Java
MYIndo Airlines (MYIndo) targeted the industrial potency in Central Java after conducting prime flight on 25 July 2017 from SRG to SIN Details
Garuda is Optimistic that The Cargo’s Income to Reach US$270.8 million
Flag carrier, Garuda Indonesia feel optimistic that the income of cargo delivery will reach US$270.8 million this year Details
UPS Expands Alcohol Shipping To Consumers Across Asia Pacific
UPS, a global leader in transportation and logistics, can now ship wine, beer, and spirits Details
Lufthansa Cargo, Innovative Sun Protection for Refrigerated Freight
Now that the expansion of the Lufthansa Cargo Cool Center in Frankfurt has begun and the Road Feeder Service Cool, the first of its Details
The International Cargoes at the Sepinggan Airport Increase During the Eid-ul Fitri
At Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman (SAMS) International Airport Sepinggan, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, the movement of passengers, flights, and cargoes during the 2017 Eid-ul Fitri Details
TIACA Works With INACA to Support Growing Air Cargo Industry
The International Air Cargo Association (TIACA) will work with the Indonesian National Air Carriers Association (INACA) and other leading freight companies in Indonesia, including flag Details
Air Toll is Targeted to Operate in The Middle of 2017
The Ministry of Transportation targeted Air Bridge or Air Toll program could be realized starting in the mid of this year. This is to lower Details
Angkasa Pura Kargo Manage AP II's Cargo Business
PT Angkasa Pura I's subsidiary company, PT Angkasa Pura Kargo (AP Kargo) targeted to earn income for Rp 150 billion this year. The target would Details
Positive Achievement in Citilink's Air Cargo Business
Citilink understand that Indonesia has a very good air cargo potency. Total of Citilink's cargo volume in the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport's station that reached 3 Details
"Keberhasilan dan kemajuan sektor transportasi sangat bergantung pada SDM berkualitas yang mampu merancang, memelihara, mengoperasikan, serta mengeksplorasi sistem transportasi. Untuk itu, pembangunan SDM sangat penting untuk mencetak talenta unggul Indonesia di sektor transportasi," ujar Menhub.
…Details"Salah satu tantangan yang kita hadapi 10 tahun lalu adalah masih adanya ketimpangan antar wilayah yang ada di Indonesia. Oleh karenanya, kami terus membangun infrastruktur sektor transportasi untuk meningkatkan konektivitas dan mobilitas masyarakat," papar Menteri Perhubungan Budi Karya Sumadi dalam kegiatan “Konferensi Pers Kinerja Sektor Transportasi 10 Tahun Pemerintahan Joko Widodo”, di Kantor Pusat Kementerian Perhubungan, Jakarta, Selasa (1/10).
…DetailsIAS menyelesaikan proses inbound MotoGP 2024 dari Milan melalui 5 freihgter Qatar Airways membawa sekitar 500 ton logistik MotoGP 2024
…DetailsSejak 2021 dipercaya menangani seluruh proses kedatangan, pengelolaan, dan distribusi logistik MotoGP Mandalika.