M. Feriadi hand over the donation to DKI Jakarta Governor, Anies Baswedan (doc. jne)
JNE keeps making some efforts to fight against the covid-19 pandemic. This time, JNE donated 1 billion rupiahs that was given to DKI Jakarta provincial government to help the programs to handling the covid-19 pandemic that impact all people in Jakarta. The donation was handed over on Friday 24th April 2020 at 13.00 Local Time at DKI Jakarta Town Hall.
JNE President Director, M. Feriadi and JNE management came to DKI Jakarta Town Hall to hand over the donation to DKI Jakarta Governor, Anies Baswedan who were accompanied by Head of Amil Zakat National Agency (Baznas) DKI Jakarta, KH Ahmad Luthfi Fathullah and West Jakarta Mayor, Rustam Efendi.
As the governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan represented DKI Jakarta people expressed his thankfulness over JNE’s care as well as appreciated JNE’s concrete steps to fight against covid-19.
M. Feriadi, JNE’s President Director, expressed his gratefulness that the logistics services are one of many business supported by the government and allowed to run their business during the PSBB (Big Scale Social Distancing). “Logistics are very important as a support in this current economic condition. This is a moment for JNE to continue their contribution to fight against covid-19 and help others”, he said.
Feriadi also said that several steps have been done to overcome the covid-19 in order to get the condition back to normal and stable. “We are optimistic with working together and collaboration with government and other parties that this corona virus pandemic could be overcome so that the spirit of “Bersama Kita Buat Indonesia Sehat" (Together Indonesia is Healthy) could be realized’, he explained.
Up to today, JNE has delivered more than 20 million Personal Protective Equipments to the referral hospitals across Indonesia. The total is as a donation program from JNE’s cooperation with several parties and discount delivery program to ease people to deliver the PPEs as the vital equipment needed during this pandemic since March.
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