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Tuesday, 30 July 2024
Approaching Its 47th Anniversary, FIN Logistics Holds a Blood Donation

On Thursday (27 June), FIN Logistics (FIN), a global scale national logistics company, carried out a blood donation in collaboration with the national health aid and humanitarian action agency, the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) branch in Tangerang Selatan, Banten. Exactly at 9 am, at the FIN Logistics head office, precisely in the hall on the 3rd floor, FIN employees were seen very enthusiastic about taking part in the blood donation activity.

“This blood donation activity is one of routine activities held by FIN in advance of the company’s anniversary,” said Sheila, as Secretary of the FIN Logistics 47th Anniversary Committee.

It was seen from employees, managers, both operations and administration, to division leaders who appeared to be present to donate blood.

“Besides as an anniversary activity, the blood donation activity with the tagline “Your Help Matters”, or your help (blood) is very meaningful, is also a form of concern for others to be able to give to those in need,” she said.

After the success of blood collection, the donors (employees/general) got snacks and souvenirs that FIN have prepared as a sign of gratitude for participating in the series of care for others events organized by FIN Logistics together with PMI.

“This blood donation activity is a routine activity of series events held by FIN Logistics prior to the company’s anniversary, while the other events are Social Assistance and Sports Week that involve participants from every division,” said Sheila.

Sheila added, the highlight of the company’s anniversary event will be held on August 3, 2024, namely in the form Apel HUT (Anniversary Ceremony). “This is different from a weekly or a monthly ceremonial. This anniversary event does not only involve all FIN employees, but also involves representatives from each branch office from Surabaya, Jogjakarta, Semarang, Medan and Denpasar,” she explained.

When asked about her hopes for FIN’s advanced years, Sheila answered that this was related to the tagline for FIN’s anniversary, namely “47 Years Growing with Passion for Excellent”. “This means that for 47 years we have developed with a passion to be able to provide the best for customers. We (FIN employees) strive to provide our best service, to achieve customer satisfaction,” she explained.

Sheila added, as the age has reached 47 years, it is not something easy. However, up to now we have been able to prove that we are capable with all our efforts and persistence to provide the best for the company.

“We are known for our solidarity and persistence with the tagline “Company with ATTITUDE ‘’ which means Accommodative, Trustworthy, Teamwork, Innovative, Transparency, Understanding, Deliverance, Engaging. “This is an example of our foundation so that we are able to continue working in the future,” concluded Sheila.

Established in 1977, FIN Logistics has been operating for over 47 years as one of Indonesia’s logistics companies that offers logistics services including Air Freight, Ocean Freight, Customs Brokerage, Logistics Contracts, and Domestic Distribution.

In addition, FIN Logistics provides logistics solutions specialising in Automotive, Energy, Fashion, Health/Pharmacy, Telecommunications, Agribusiness, Event/Sports, Government/Military, and other Project industries.

As a national logistics company which has had more than 200 employees to date spreading across several branch offices such as in Bandung, Denpasar, Jogjakarta, Surabaya, Semarang and Medan.

Author: Martin/Dpar
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