ICT News
Pelican Expands Deep Frozen Product Range to Meet COVID-19 Vaccine Shipping Requirements
Pelican BioThermal (Pelican), the global name in temperature controlled packaging, announces deep frozen temperature controlled packaging options with temperature ranges of minus 80 degrees Celsius Details
Lufthansa Cargo and DB Schenker Start First CO2-Neutral Freight Flights
Lufthansa Cargo, DB Schenker has staged the industry's first CO2-neutral freight flight, whose fuel requirements will be completely covered by Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).Lufthansa Cargo's Details
AFKLM Cargo Partners with SkyCell
SkyCell and Air France KLM Martinair (AFKLM) Cargo have signed a partnership agreement to expand access to SkyCell’s hybrid containers in supply chains, enabling further Details
The Celebration of JNE’s 30th Anniversary “Happy Together” Went Great Even Though It was Celebrated Virtually
Reporting from jnenewsonline.com, JNE's 30th birthday celebration this year was held virtually, which is different from previous years. This condition adjusts the Covid-19 health protocol Details
Emirates SkyCargo Introduces A380 ‘Mini Freighter’ Charter Operations
Emirates SkyCargo has started utilising its Airbus A380 aircraft on select cargo charter operations to transport urgently required cargo across its network. The first dedicated Details
AFKLM Cargo Ready to Transport Covid-19 Vaccines
As of March 2020, Air France KLM's cargo division is committed to maintaining its global air freight network as part of vital freight flows. During Details
JD ID Helps Indonesian Government Distribute Social Assistance Packages
JD.ID, the e-commerce joint venture of JD.com in Indonesia, has cooperated with the Ministry of Social Affairs in the country to provide and distribute 50,00 Details
Jinair, The First Korean Low-cost Airline to Start Freight Forwarding to Los Angeles
On the 31st Oct, Jin Air loaded a cargo of about 23 tons of electronic components such as displays on the B777-200ER airliner and transported Details
Amazon Air launches operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Amazon Air launched operations at their first-ever regional air hub in Europe this month at the Leipzig/Halle Airport in Schkeuditz, Germany. The new operations expand Details
Malaysia Airports and Alibaba Announce Operation Commencement of Cainiao Aeropolis eWTP Hub, Malaysia
Malaysia Airports’ Aeropolis and Alibaba Group welcome the commencement of operations of the new e-fulfilment hub, Cainiao Aeropolis eWTP Hub, Malaysia (formerly known as KLIA Details
Maskapai Citilink menambah rute penerbangan barunya dari Jakarta melalui Bandar Udara Halim Perdanakusuma (HLP) menuju Bandar Udara Gatot Soebroto (WTX) di Way Kanan Provinsi Lampung.
…DetailsMenteri Perhubungan Dudy Purwagandhi menyampaikan rencana operasi (Renops) Kementerian Perhubungan untuk mendukung kelancaran lalu lintas selama arus mudik dan balik Lebaran tahun 2025.
…DetailsMenteri Perhubungan Dudy Purwagandhi dan Menteri Komunikasi dan Digital Meutya Hafid bertemu untuk membahas kolaborasi yang akan dilakukan terkait penyebaran informasi seputar angkutan Lebaran 2025.
…DetailsSebagai perusahaan dengan jaringan seluruh Indonesia, UT butuh mitra logistik yang handal menangani barang yang perlu penanganan khusus dan sensitif waktu.