ICT News
Extending Brand Awareness, SiCepat Express Livery is Now on Citilink Airlines
To increase Brand Awareness, PT. SiCepat Ekspres Indonesia (SiCepat) collaborated with PT. Citilink Indonesia (Citilink) by installing the SiCepat Ekspres livery on the fuselage and Details
APLog Webinar Series 2: Utilization of Logistics Technology As Needed, As Well As The Competence of The Human Resources Who Run It
PT Angkasa Pura Logistik (APLog) held the 2nd Webinar Series event in the APLog Logistics Forum (APF) community via the Zoom and YouTube platforms on Details
EVA Air Launches Brand New Cargo Website
Picture 1: EVA Air unveiled a new official cargo website to deliver consistent services to users on different devices at the office, at home or Details
J&T Express Still Stands by For The Spring of Deliveries Welcoming Eid-ul Fitr, Even In The Unstable Economy Condition
CT: What kind of preparation that J&T is doing or has done to anticipate the increase of delivery during the upcoming Ramadhan month (in Details
J&T Express's New Breakthrough, Launching Special Cargo Aircraft to Ensure Schedule of Shipments
J&T Express, a delivery service that puts technology in its services, continues to innovate in infrastructure that supports and sustains its business. Entering its 6th Details
Improving Cargo and Logistics Services, AP 1 MoU with ALFI on Five Things
In a bid to improve its cargo and logistics services throughout its airports, State Airport Operator PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) – AP 1 commits Details
CMA CGM to Plant 25,000 Trees in Indonesia
The CMA CGM Group, a world leader in shipping and logistics, undertakes a global reforestation initiative. As many as 110,000 trees will be planted throughout Details
CMA CGM Steps up Its Strategic Development in Logistics with The Creation of Its Air Cargo Division
Rodolphe Saadé, Chairman and CEO of the CMA CGM GroupThe CMA CGM Group, a world leader in shipping and logistics, is stepping up its strategic Details
New Breakthrough in 2021, Anteraja Use Electric Motorcycle for Couriers
The breakthrough in 2021, Anteraja, a technology-based courier service company, has officially pioneered the use of environmentally-friendly electric motorcycles that will be used by Satria Details
PT Angkasa Pura Kargo: During The Pandemic, With Several Strategies, Cargo Business Still Remains A Mainstay of People’s Needs
CT: During this pandemic, do you have any special strategies for Angkasa Pura Kargo (APK) to maintain its main businesses? Gautsil: If we talk about Details
Menteri Perhubungan Dudy Purwagandhi terus mengkoordinasikan kesiapan Angkutan Lebaran (Angleb) 2025 dengan Kepala Daerah.
…DetailsMenteri Perhubungan Dudy Purwagandhi menyampaikan pemerintah telah menyiapkan sejumlah strategi mitigasi guna mengantisipasi lonjakan jumlah pemudik pada Angkutan Lebaran 2025.
…DetailsKantor Otoritas Bandar Udara Wilayah VIII Manado pada hari ini, Rabu (11/3) meresmikan Penerbangan Angkutan Udara Perintis Koordinator Wilayah (Korwil) Gorontalo, Sulawesi Utara periode Tahun Anggaran 2025.
…DetailsMenteri Perhubungan Dudy Purwagandhi menyampaikan Kementerian Perhubungan telah menyiapkan sejumlah sarana dan prasarana transportasi guna menghadapi masa Angkutan Lebaran pada 21 Maret hingga 11 April 2025