ICT News
Ethiopian Unveils COVID-19 Global Insurance Cover
Ethiopian Airlines Group, the Largest Aviation Group in Africa, is pleased to announce that it will cover the medical insurance including repatriation, evacuation and quarantine Details
Maersk Air Freight Services Start with Chartered Airplane from Thailand to Japan
With the first of the multiple chartered airplanes moved cargoes for a leading tyre manufacturer from Thailand to Japan on October 11th, Maersk’s product portfolio Details
Angkasa Pura Logistik Added Up More Cargo Freighters
To strengthening the company’s business on air freight service and as the company’s contribution to realize the national logistics. As one of PT Angkasa Pura Details
Ethiopian Airlines is Optimist to Get Through The Crisis by Adapting The Business Strategy to Become Vigorous
CT: During the COVID 19 pandemic, IATA predicted the world airline business would drop to minus point. Externally, how big is the effect of the Details
NEX Logistics Indonesia Receives Halal Certification for Bekasi Logistics Center
PT NEX Logistics Indonesia (NEX Logistics Indonesia), a subsidiary of Nippon Express Co., Ltd. in July 2020 received halal certification from the Indonesia Ulama Council's Details
Celebrates 5 Years Its Age, J&T Express Holds a Lively Birthday Network
l-r: the MC, Robin Lo, Herline Septia, and the singer JazEven five years old on 20 August 2020, J&T Express delivery service has carried out Details
Cargolux flies aid to Beirut
Cargolux has provided Free of Charge (FOC) transport for medical relief material destined to medical personnel in Beirut, Lebanon, following the explosion that devasted the Details
WorldACD: July 2020, Price per kg Dropping by 9% Worldwide - Volumes on The Rise
Since air cargo developments started to completely go “off the charts” in March 2020, every month the question arises whether the next month will be Details
Nippon Express building new warehouse in Schiphol Trade Park
Nippon Express (Nederland) BV (Masahiro Murakami, President; hereinafter, "NE Nederland"), a subsidiary of Nippon Express Co., Ltd. (Mitsuru Saito, President), began construction of a new Details
Boom Supersonic and Rolls-Royce Agree on New Collaboration for Supersonic Overture Engine Program Design
Boom Supersonic (Boom), an aerospace company building the world's fastest civil aircraft, and leading industrial technology company, Roll-Royce, recently announced an engagement agreement to explore Details
Maskapai Citilink menambah rute penerbangan barunya dari Jakarta melalui Bandar Udara Halim Perdanakusuma (HLP) menuju Bandar Udara Gatot Soebroto (WTX) di Way Kanan Provinsi Lampung.
…DetailsMenteri Perhubungan Dudy Purwagandhi menyampaikan rencana operasi (Renops) Kementerian Perhubungan untuk mendukung kelancaran lalu lintas selama arus mudik dan balik Lebaran tahun 2025.
…DetailsMenteri Perhubungan Dudy Purwagandhi dan Menteri Komunikasi dan Digital Meutya Hafid bertemu untuk membahas kolaborasi yang akan dilakukan terkait penyebaran informasi seputar angkutan Lebaran 2025.
…DetailsSebagai perusahaan dengan jaringan seluruh Indonesia, UT butuh mitra logistik yang handal menangani barang yang perlu penanganan khusus dan sensitif waktu.