ICT News
The MoU Between JNE MoU and Ruang Guru to Educate The Life of The Nation
One of the Covid-19 effects is Distance Learning Policy (PJJ) through online teaching-learning method for all students across Indonesia. For the unfortunate students such as Details
Learning and Adaptation, Angkasa Pura Logistics' Key Toward Dynamic Market Challenges
PT Angkasa Pura Logistik (APLog), a subsidiary of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero), is a national logistics company that offers a wide range of logistics Details
Untuk ke-7 Kalinya, JNE Kembali Raih Penghargaan Top Brand Award 2020 kategori Courier Service
JNE dinilai superior meliputi Top of Mind Share, Top of Market Share, Top of Commitment Share, serta mampu mempertahankan ekuitas mereknya dibanding merek lain. Details
Garuda Indonesia Raih Sertifikasi GDP Kategori Kargo Farmasi
Melalui sertifikasi GDP ini, Garuda siap mendukung bisnis angkutan serta distribusi kargo farmasi yang menjadi kebutuhan global di masa pandemi. Details
ECS Group: The Future is Now
ECS Group is building today’s industry. For the last two years, the group has been investing heavily in its digital transformation to support its clients Details
AirBridgeCargo’s Boeing 747-8F Nose-loading Capability Facilitates Smooth Delivery of 16-meter Long Equipment
AirBridgeCargo Airlines, part of Volga-Dnepr Group with 30+ years of experience in oversized and super-heavy air cargo transportation, has masterminded delivery of 16-meter long busher Details
Lufhansa Cargo: Freighter Network Stabilizes International Supply Lanes
Lufthansa Cargo has published the winter schedule for its cargo aircraft. The carrier will continue to serve numerous destinations worldwide in the coming half-year from Details
Turkish Cargo Continues to Build The Global Air Bridge
Maintaining its successful business processes across the world, Turkish Cargo increased the number of destinations of its direct cargo operations to 95 by adding London Details
Cainiao Partners with Atlas Air To Launch Asia to South America Charter Program
Cainiao Smart Logistics Network, (Cainiao), the logistics arm of Alibaba Group Holding Limited, recently announced a partnership to launch a charter program with Atlas Air Details
KLM Cargo Launches New Innovative App
Air France KLM Martinair Cargo is trendsetter in creating awareness, but is also pioneer on tools needed to address key compliance and safety themes in Details
Maskapai Citilink menambah rute penerbangan barunya dari Jakarta melalui Bandar Udara Halim Perdanakusuma (HLP) menuju Bandar Udara Gatot Soebroto (WTX) di Way Kanan Provinsi Lampung.
…DetailsMenteri Perhubungan Dudy Purwagandhi menyampaikan rencana operasi (Renops) Kementerian Perhubungan untuk mendukung kelancaran lalu lintas selama arus mudik dan balik Lebaran tahun 2025.
…DetailsMenteri Perhubungan Dudy Purwagandhi dan Menteri Komunikasi dan Digital Meutya Hafid bertemu untuk membahas kolaborasi yang akan dilakukan terkait penyebaran informasi seputar angkutan Lebaran 2025.
…DetailsSebagai perusahaan dengan jaringan seluruh Indonesia, UT butuh mitra logistik yang handal menangani barang yang perlu penanganan khusus dan sensitif waktu.