ICT News
Garuda Indonesia Supports the Improvement of Air Cargo Safety
Flag carrier Garuda Indonesia (Garuda) stated their readiness to support the Ministry of Transportation (MoT) to push Regulated Agents (RA) in fulfilling the air cargo Details
AP 1 is the Management for Cargo Terminal at Juanda Airport
PT Angkasa Pura 1 (AP1) stated as an airport management, they have obligation to become the Airport Operator that includes passenger and cargo and post Details
The IDR 2.85 M Lobster Seeds Failed to be Smuggled
The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) and the Directorate General of Customs failed the smuggling trial of 71,250 lobster seeds with the price Details
DHL opens new gateway at SHIA
DHL Express launched the EUR2 million Jakarta Gateway 530 at the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (SHIA) to better support businesses operating in and out of Indonesia Details
EVA Revealed to Be World's 3rd Most Loved Airline
Global airline quality ratings website SKYTRAX scored EVA Air as the world's third Most Loved Airline. SKYTRAX invited travelers to rate overall flight experiences on Details
Zika Anticipation, SHIA Set Body Temperature Scan Machine
Airport Health Office (Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan - KKP) of Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (SHIA), Tangerang, Banten set body temperature scan machine as a preventive action against Details
ICAC Head: Immediately Build a Cargo Village
The Indonesia Cargo Agent Club (ICAC) held Halal bihalal (gathering) program at FIN Logistic head office, Jakarta. Besides, making hospitality between members, the event also Details
TAPA: Recorded Cargo Crime Almost Doubled in Q2- 2016
Recorded cargo crime in the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region continue to show an alarming rate of growth, with 598 new freight losses Details
Amazon Takes Flight
Amazon previously is showcasing its first ever branded air cargo plane during Seafair's Air Show, an annual community celebration taking place in Amazon's hometown of Details
JNE Eco-Courier, Innovation for Express Delivery in Jakarta
Until the end of 2014, JNE decided to add electric bicycle for documents and package deliveries that is more effective around business area as well Details
Menteri Perhubungan Dudy Purwagandhi terus mengkoordinasikan kesiapan Angkutan Lebaran (Angleb) 2025 dengan Kepala Daerah.
…DetailsMenteri Perhubungan Dudy Purwagandhi menyampaikan pemerintah telah menyiapkan sejumlah strategi mitigasi guna mengantisipasi lonjakan jumlah pemudik pada Angkutan Lebaran 2025.
…DetailsKantor Otoritas Bandar Udara Wilayah VIII Manado pada hari ini, Rabu (11/3) meresmikan Penerbangan Angkutan Udara Perintis Koordinator Wilayah (Korwil) Gorontalo, Sulawesi Utara periode Tahun Anggaran 2025.
…DetailsMenteri Perhubungan Dudy Purwagandhi menyampaikan Kementerian Perhubungan telah menyiapkan sejumlah sarana dan prasarana transportasi guna menghadapi masa Angkutan Lebaran pada 21 Maret hingga 11 April 2025