After the Corona-19 pandemic had been declared negative by the Indonesian Government in the mids 2022, all economic activities gradually started to be active again for recovery as well as in the logistics sector. However, some logistic sectors still worked during the pandemic to deliver goods/cargoes. One of them was air cargo service. The deliveries were particularly for e-commerce products and pharmacy products. So the business didn’t get a significant effect compared to other logistics services.
Therefore, Cargo Times (CT) would like to know further about one of the integrated logistics state-owned corporations, PT Angkasa Pura Logistik (APLog), that has had global networks namely FNC (Freight Network Corporation) and CLN (Combined Logistics Network). Apart from having experience in air cargo service, APLog still support the effort to improve other logistics service, like Cargo Terminal Operator, Regulated Agent, Freight Forwarding, Courier Express, Warehousing, and Total Baggage Solution.
Danny P. Thaharsyah, both the President Director and APLog leadership said there are 5 (five) strategies to improve the service quality, they are: 1) System and business process improvement; 2) Quality management improvement by implementing quality standards like ISO and management tools; 3) Digitalisation implementation; 4) Customer segmentation performance; and 5) Service improvement, approach from the behaviour by using core value of AKHLAK (Trustworthy, Competent, Harmony, Adaptive, and Collaborative).
In his brief explanation, APLog started from the middle mile business that is an air service business like a cargo terminal. “However in the last five years, AP Log has transformed as a logistics company that performs an End-to-End Business Logistics Solutions. We, then, provide the most complete service (one-stop complete service solution) from First Mile to Middle Mile, to Last Mile. So then APLog can give an integrated logistics solution to fulfill all customers’ needs. The top services are Cargo Terminal Operator, Freight Forwarding, and Total Baggage Solution,” he said.
This transformation, added Danny, is in line with logistics reformation sector planned by the government in supporting the National Logistics Ecosystem (NLE) growth by increasing and doing logistics service integration from the first mile to the last mile, so then there is an efficiency and easiness of the delivery process for all customers.
One-stop Solution
The multimode service is cargo delivery by two transportation modes or more in one document. This service may become an alternative to cargo delivery so then it would be more efficient in logistics delivery. Supply chain development and optimisation through multimode transportation implementation are believed to be able to overcome national logistics transportation.
Danny explained that APLog keeps innovating in an integrated service by providing Multimode services to ease customers in export-import for cargo delivery with or the combination of air, land and sea freighters including transhipment, and door-to-door delivery and consolidation.
“The multimode export services perform as an innovation to cut off the logistics cost and a state economic booster from the international trade sector. This service is able to boost the export service and increase the logistics cost efficiency. Customs clearance that all exporters should do becomes more flexible because it’s enough to be performed in origin place of export. The core is APLog streamline the delivery operation and make sure customers receive their goods on time,” he said.
Through global network, Danny added, APLog can provide continuous services by giving conveniences, safety and accuracy in giving solutions or ideas to obtain customers’ satisfaction.
Currently, the transparancy of information and business collaboration in logistics sector with partners or stakeholders is very important. A strategy key that APLog does is making communication in relation with the logistics process with their partners (between State-owned Corporation, privates, or MSMEs) to build sinergy and improve the logistics service quality so that the collaboration with partners is sustainable.
The example of between State-owned Corporation, APLog collaborate with Tanjung Priok Port (PTP) Non- container about the plan of the logistics development in port sector. Then, the collaboration between APLog and Rusky Aero Indonesia, digital base scheduled cargo airlines, is about logistics supply chain business development.
The newest logistics collaboration, recently, APLog got trusts from the Republic Indonesia Central Bank, Bank Indonesia (BI) for State Owned Valuables (BBMN) from BI Representative office in South Sulawesi to other Domestic Representative Offices of Bank Indonesia, including BI Representative Office of East Nusa Tenggara (Kupang), Maluku (Ambon), Southeast Sulawesi (Kendari), North Sulawesi (Manado), Papua (Jayapura), West Papua (Manokwari), and Bank Indonesia Head Office in Jakarta from 2023 to 2024. The signing ceremonial of the MoU between APLog and Bank Indonesia has been conducted on Thursday, 14 September 2023 at Kempinski Hotel, Jakarta.
Human Resources
“The business transformation process to survive company and be sustainable so that the company is able to encounter the business challenges is the human resources, employees (individually) that are always innovating, adaptable, quick response, and can give solutions and the newest breakthrough for the company’s advancement,” said Danny, who is taking a Master Degree in Economy Magister in Indonesia University.
After that, he continued, each APLog individual strengthens teamwork and increases their capabilities and professionalism to support the implementation of healthy corporate practices. The CEO of APLog believes that by forming a more solid internal organization supported by better business processes, APLog will have high competitiveness so that it will also gain high trust from external parties (customers, partners or other stakeholders).
Talking about the company’s progress, APLog’s human resources employs many millennial human resources (generations of Y and Z). Apart from regeneration efforts, millennial Human Resources management is believed to be able to contribute to achieving APLog targets.
“Social Media optimalization, websites optimalization, by creating contents so that it can convey messages to customers and potential customers. “Presenting attractive company visual assets such as photos, videos and audio content that are in line with segmentation and trends among millennials, is considered capable of creating company brand awareness for millennials,” explained Danny.
First, the best APLog’s achievement is seen from the company’s business growth data that keep increasing two fold in the last 3 years from 2019 to 2022. In Covid-19, APLog also experienced an increase of Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) by 22% from 2019 to 2022. The increase also happened due to APLog’s contribution in exports-imports of livestock, marine products, electronics, mining tools, spareparts, and e-commerce goods delivery also experienced an increase. That also included APLog’s participation in the events of World Super Bike, MotoGP as well as some oil & gas projects, batching plant and full slab delivery, and business development of Cargo Terminal opening in Sentani-Papua, that also took a role to boost company’s revenues.
First, APLog’s best achievements can be seen from the company’s business growth data, which in the last 3 years has continued to increase up to 2 (two) times from 2019 to 2022. During the Covid-19 pandemic, APLog also experienced an increase in Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) growth of 22% from 2019 to 2022. The increase also occurred due to the contribution to export and import activities of livestock, marine products, electronic goods, mining equipment, spare parts, and the delivery of e-commerce goods which experienced an increase. Including APLog’s participation in the World Super Bike, MotoGP and G20 events as well as several oil & gas projects, delivery of batching plants and full slabs, as well as business development for opening a Cargo Terminal in Sentani-Papua, which also plays a role in boosting company revenue.
Second, APLog also won several national and regional awards, such as the SNI Award, TJSL CSR Award, International Business Award, GRC Award, and ASEAN Risk Award. This achievement was all thanks to improvements in corporate governance and sustainability.
“This company still has a long way to go. Strong synergy and commitment from all related parties is required, the vision and mission as well as the business targets that have been proclaimed in the Company’s Long Term Plan (RJPP) so that they can be realized. “The support and trust of stakeholders and shareholders is very important for Angkasa Pura Logistik in its efforts to strengthen its existence in the domestic market and to continue to record important momentum in its business journey in the future,” concluded Danny.
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